
I may flesh this out a bit more, but one really important election strategy point I haven't seen made: Losing to Trump will NOT teach centrist/reactionary/moderate Democrats to value young & progressive voters. They have had MANY opportunities to learn before & they are just never going to.
I don't know what the solution is at this point. In the past I thought maybe it'd be good to have more than 2 political parties? But then ppl from countries with multi-party systems jump in and say no, this is the path to madness
The solution is simple but not easy. The Left needs to take a page from the Right and get involved in every stage of the process, at every level of government, and think of it as a sixty-year transformative process instead of something we fix in one election and stay home if it doesn’t work.
As a person from a country that has more than two (though that isn't obvious from most of our election results), I do wish you had at least five.
My solution is to try to be radical locally, implement those solutions there and the ones that work start to become moderate positions.
Money is a much bigger problem than the number of parties, especially as the billionaires hoard so much of it. You (I can't vote here) need to elect politicians willing to change the rules.
More and better Democrats. AOC was a clear upgrade on her predecessor, and a better fit for the district. Manchin was the last state-wide Dem from WV that we'll see for a long time. His first vote was to give the gavel and the agenda to the Ds, and that's nothing to sneeze at.
People think that two-party or multi-party systems is a voter choice but it's baked into the electoral system. We'll always return to two parties because that's the equilibrium of our system.
And tbh multi-party places often resolve into l-r blocs anyway. In my adult lifetime, Germany has gone from three parliamentary parties to six, but it's still l-r coalitions not some multi-cornered alternative.
After having seen in 15 years the French political system go from 12 main parties to 2, and now 2 blocs and the extreme right, and having seen 7 years (UK) and 13 years (US) of bipartite systems, I wish we'd go back to more parties so that policies would be the focus (not playing the political game)
It's going to be a bit tough to take the politics out of politics, I think. Latest example of pure gamesmanship from Germany: Bloc Sahra Wagenknecht. UK just got, what, seven parties into parliament? Biggest Lib Dem faction in nearly a century, too. Plus four Greens and some Plaid.