⏱📋David Steinberg⏱📋

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⏱📋David Steinberg⏱📋


Phish Stats, Math Geek, Doctor Who fan. Occasionally embodies the joy of Phish. Le Minuteur était aussi un Aggie

Warning: since 10/7 has been publicly questioning and exploring his Jewish identity. There will be processing!
We don’t really use the basement much at Ihoz Labs anymore and Barley has kind of claimed it for his own. With our annual 4 days of summer upon us though, I’m chilling on the downstairs couch where it’s like 20 degrees cooler and Barley is always excited when I do that.
I’m re-reading a Robert Charles Wilson novel (A Bridge of Years) that is about a house that connects from 1989 to 1962. And the scary thing is that the gap from 89 is longer. It’s weird seeing some things from then that make no sense now but the global warming fears ring true.
The Jewish parts of Bluesky have been talking about family recipes being passed down so there were one true versions of food and I came from a family that didn’t really cook so I’m reading bemused. My grandparents built up enough money that gatherings were quasi-catered and mom had no time
“This isn’t going away, no matter how how much Democrats want it to.” <— Pundits not talking about Biden’s age but about college protests, six to eight weeks ago.
I think a lot of the Biden must drop calls are coming from people who think that Trump should be losing by 20 points and therefore anyone who doesn’t poll like that is a loser. Never mind that there’s no evidence that anyone who would actually run is polling better. Trump must be easily best!
Well I ran a mile and a half at least and then did a 2/3 running, 1/3 walking half mile. Restarting again…
7/5/94 was Phish's last time playing Quebec. They didn't play Fee, but there are interesting jams in Bowie and Tweezer to make up for that.
This confirmation is less “Biden needs to go” and more “let’s get on the same page here.” x.com/andrewdeside...
"So then, what aspects exactly do you not agree with? Can you disavow taking donations from anyone associated with this?"
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
He’s a great gateway author to genre! He can still be a creepy fucking predator! Also this is from a friend of mine who’s ok with sharing, is not associated with the terf podcast, and lol, yeah.
I've been very pleasantly surprised at how little of this has been happening in a forum where he was basically the most popular person. People are mostly taking the claims seriously instead of going to straight denial.
Y'all know you can wait for more reliable sources to drop info on this Gaimen thing without LOUDLY and CONSTANTLY talking about your doubts on a platform where people who dealt with similar predatory grooming by "good nerd men" can see you, right? Doubt all you want but shut the fuck up about it.
We’re having our weird summer weekend, the aqi is off perhaps due to fireworks, and my favorite French bakery is still waiting for their oven to be fixed so no Friday delicious treats. My Saturday run is going to suffer.
Ha ha ha ha. No. That’s not the obsession I share and I refuse to learn it b
7/4/94 had a weird twist: Letter to Jimmy Page played outside of Alumni. Three known times has that happened: 5/11/87, 7/5/94, and then 10 days later in Jones Beach. (1/3) #phish
The theme better be Mike Gordon written songs. Not at all niche!
Like those are full Jeff Austin eyes.
Me: it’s hard to believe Brent died a year after this. He’s so energetic. Brent:
Me: it’s hard to believe Brent died a year after this. He’s so energetic. Brent:
Tapioca is officially a Jerry cat. He was staring at me when Bobby was singing All Along the Watchtower in sheer terror (I LIKE that one Tappy!) but he’s fascinated by this Morning Dew.
Statements just seem vain at last. Some rise Some fall Some climb To get to Terrapin. ...this might not be the Dead's best work but it's definitely in the conversation.
The Buffalo Bills and the Grateful Dead say, “Please smoke cigarettes!”
How hot was it? I had some Kool Aid juice boxes in my car to sell in the lot and when I drank one post show, I discovered I had invented Kool Aid tea.
35 years ago today: my first outdoor Dead show on an insanely hot day.
We called that thing Mickey’s heart. Ok fine I never noticed it before Mel pointed it out a few minutes ago.
35 years ago today: my first outdoor Dead show on an insanely hot day.
Nice to see the M’s finally doing something on this homestand.
Happy fourth of Duck-ly (duck-lie, not duck-lee)!
7/4/99 also had a debut and a thing that was kind a debut. The former is the most patriotic of songs for this era: What's the Use? Haunting, makes us unable to use words, expresses frustration: that feels like 21st century America. (1/5) #phish
Oh Orioles’ fans. If you’re wondering, enough traveled to Seattle that Mel could hear the “O!” Star Spangled Banner chant from her workstation yesterday well inside the 100 level concourse. She texted me that she forgot it was the o’s.
listen I'm just a serious reporter doing seventy five consecutive stories expressing sudden and breathless concern about how only one of two old candidates for president are old