Bob Freeman

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Bob Freeman

The author mixes science with humor to deliver interesting facts to the unsuspecting reader.
So #Trump couldn't find a little American flag bandage? I prefer the Flintstone ones for my bullet scratches
Its come down to this. I finally figured my style: "The author mixes science with humor to deliver interesting facts to the unsuspecting reader." #WritingCommunity
Maybe the problem is that these MAGA's are tired of being told to vote Vote VOTE! If they win, no more TV ads interrupting Wheel, no more filling out confusing circles, just an easy life, with nothing to do but live your life and fire off your guns at every shadow you see.
José's life goal was to break through time's wall. Banshee wailing guided his path as time opened a crack large enough to fall through. He had to meet his past and find a way around his own history before moving on. July issue of #SciFi #TimeTravel
Dark Horses The Official Website for Dark Horses Magazine: A Journal of Weird Fiction
Time is relative and cracking open the TimeWall was not as expected. He couldn't go back in time, quash a bug and change the future. Instead, he was stuck facing himself, his history splayed out, and it was angry at the intrusion. #TimeSlinky #SciFi #TimeTravel
Dark Horses The Official Website for Dark Horses Magazine: A Journal of Weird Fiction
It's a bit sad that my 1100-page, 4-volume space opera doesn't get the love it deserves. To celebrate the low impact, I'm 5k words into the 5th volume. Yep. I'm not stopping even if it isn't following the Star Wars/Trek mantra. Beyond Luna is on sale at Amazon $0.99 USD #SciFi
Time Slinky José's life goal was to break through time's wall. In spite of common expectations, there was no way to go back and kill a bad person, changing time going forward. He had to meet his past around his own history before moving on. July issue of
Dark Horses The Official Website for Dark Horses Magazine: A Journal of Weird Fiction
WIP - Vol 5 in progress In the last book, BosonsWave^2 was leaving to the asteroids with a cargo full of printed books. It seems they are something with value after a heliospheric-wide economic apocalypse. Just saying #WritingCommunity #SciFi
Listened in on the voice actors for Vol 1 of the H2LiftShip saga. 7 humans, handling multiple voices is a darn sight better than some dumb AI. Teaser in a few weeks. DM me or email to [email protected] for a free sample. Sign up for more #AudioBook #SciFI
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Around 4k words in the current WIP - vol 5 of H2LiftShips. More of mish-mash of ideas than a story right now. About 20 headers floating around in Word ready to shuffle. That and time should return an 80k+/- in a few months. #SciFi
It's almost July and TimeSlinky is about to make its presence known in Dark Horses Magazine. In spite of common expectations, there was no chance to go back and kill a bad person, changing time going forward. #TimeTravel
Dark Horses The Official Website for Dark Horses Magazine: A Journal of Weird Fiction
I'm trying a new tagline for my books: "#SciFi - At the intersection of Science & Fantasy." Wait. Science is fantasy until it's not. Let's try again: "Scifi - At the intersection of SCIENCE & science." That's better!
I've added a tag line to my email signature: "No AI entities are used or hurt when writing our stories. Not that we couldn't hurt them, but they are too stupid and it would be sad to take advantage of them."
Has anyone noticed that the last version of #Microsoft Notepad now displays the character count for everything in the note? This feature been missing all these years. It's a perfect tool to compose a social with limited character count. Good job!
Good news, the audiobook of the H2LiftShip saga is moving forward, looking for a release date in August. They sent sample SFX to check out. Sounds of airlocks moving and other space ship sounds. No AI used or hurt. I'm hoping for an old-time radio vibe. Support at
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Reposted byAvatar Bob Freeman
Jonathan Last is right, as usual.
5* review If you like your scifi with a heavy dose of humor, and can stand the extra explanations in the first book for the purpose of world-building, this book will definitely make you want to read more in the series, and entertain you.
Check out this Amazon review of H2LiftShips: Beyond Heavy-worldbuilding can't drag down this fun space adventure in an alternate near-future
The canines missed the fact that in the BeforeTimes, humans would follow them and pick up their poop. Learning how to talk and traveling to space with other sentients ruined the best trick they ever had. #writingcommunity
H₂Lift Balloon space flight, cheap space flight, H₂Liftship
I, for one, am thrilled to hear that the Republicans are going to use a centralized get out the vote scheme rather than investing in boots on the ground. Nothing says success like giving funds to grifters from grifters. I can't wait to follow the money trail.
Happy #CephalopodWeek for those who celebrate. If you're interested in octopuses in space, I've got them in my four volume SpaceOpera. They tend to be a bit controlling, signing on as navigators on Solar Sail cargo ships. Communication is key with Morse code, sucker talking or color languages.
Reposted byAvatar Bob Freeman
It’s the first day of cephalopod week 2024! Happy cephalopod week!!
It's been a few months of no writing and I've finally figured out which story I want. Re-visit H2LiftShip or expand the TimeSlinky novel? Tough decision. So instead I re-wrote the H2LIftShip synopsis. Too many words, as usual, so here is a jpg of the text. And I'll work on both #Writing
Purchased a #Remarkable2 to see if I can re-boot my writing since I've been in a slump. Jotting down ideas on the tablet seems to be a winner. Two options: Vol 5 of the H2LiftShip saga-check out the history of the characters and solar sails. or expand the TimeSlinky story.
Its been a few months of no writing and I've finally sat down and expanded on my #Time world story. We'll see what can be teased out of the concepts and if there is enough ideas to find a novel-length bucket of words. #WritingCommmunity #TimeTravelAuthors
Time is relative and ubiquitous, cracking open the TimeWall was not what Jose expected. Here he was stuck facing himself, his history splayed out, and it was angry at the intrusion. "Time Slinky' due July 2024 10k words. #WritingCommmunity
Dark Horses The Official Website for Dark Horses Magazine: A Journal of Weird Fiction