Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.

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Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.

Squid biologist
Science communicator
Executive Director of Skype a Scientist
Creator of the SquidMobile
Getting a text from a neighbor "Can I ask a very random marine bio question that may or may not be in your realm lol" is the marine biologist equivalent of seeing the bat symbol projected onto the clouds.
She demands forehead kisses 20 times a day
Animal posting as a means of procrastinating on the things I'm actually supposed to be doing. Once again, I have agreed to do too many things. Trying to quit though! Really trying to quit!
Happy Shark Week 2024! Shark programming on TV can be pretty...umm.... let's call it "hit or miss" when it comes to factual information 😅 Do yourself a favor and follow some shark biologists this week, like,, &!
What do you think is the closest thing that humans can experience to a turtle rubbing their shell on a big ol brush?
It’s so hot out right now that half of my timeline is tweeting like we’re in the middle of a snowstorm.
Alright who’s seen Abigail? Watching it with my merry band of horror movie nerds right now and it’s the best thing I’ve seen in 2024.
The problem with House of the Dragon compared to Game of Thrones, of course, is that there are nowhere near enough mischievous gingers.
Finishing up a writing piece for a journal, and as usual when I write anything, am 100% convinced it's both the most obvious thing anyone's ever said, and most asinine thing to ever cross the pages of that journal. Fun to read though.
I’ve been seeing a lot of these this summer. I think they’re steel-blue cricket-hunter wasps, but I’m not sure. I saw one carrying a cricket last week though 🤷🏻‍♀️. They look more blue IRL than in this picture but they’re hard to get a pic of because they’re always running around.
Got to say hello to TWO very good dogs on the way to the gym this morning. Surely this is a good omen for the day.
Too hot for a bbq, you kids have fun, I’m gonna give into my swamp monster nature and take a cold bath with the lights off ✌️
With the annual fundraiser complete (again, seriously, thank you everyone), I flopped on the couch, and Otis dutifully reported for duty by flopping herself right on top
THE MAP IS FULL! 1st: West Coast! 2nd: The South! 3rd: Midwest! Last place: Northeast (sigh) Thank you to all 422 of you who donated to support and everyone who engaged with these posts, I couldn't run this program without you 😭
For all the shit people talk about the south, let's just note that Mississippi (one of the poorest states in the nation) met their goal before New York. You can still beat Georgia, though, NY.
And lastly, The Midwest (who, I have heard, is also pretty good at sandwiches to be fair, but I mostly think about cheese when I think about them. And hot dogs.) Minnesota 13 Indiana 18 Missouri 21 Ohio 27 Illinois 34 Michigan 40
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
please can we beat new jersey
The Northeast! Land of lobster rolls, cheese steaks, and generally speaking the best damn sandwiches I've ever had. Let's see what we got left. Pennsylvania 18 New Jersey 35 New York 46 Fans of Mathematics may note that PA has kicked absolute ass in the last 12 hours.
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
It's day 3 of the United States of Science! We're 76% of the way there! The West Coast is COMPLETE 🫡 Good work West Coast. $10 donations fill bubbles, to support Help us continue our mission of connecting people with science! 👇🏻
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
I have no recollection of planting this 🤔
Look not trying to do the whole Philly vs NYC thing buuuutttttt, both PA and NY have 62 bubbles left. Neck and neck
It's the 2nd day of the United States of Science, a fundraiser supporting! Each bubble represents classes we matched in the last year. $10 donations fill in bubbles! Fill a bubble here 👇
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
Daily "thank you for not unfollowing me while I act like Steve Kornacki without the khakis while asking for $10 over and over and over again" animal post.
$70 would knock out Kentucky! Also, Virginia, what are you doing?! We are the least-filled Commonwealth! Go get some bubbles!
It's the 2nd day of the United States of Science, a fundraiser supporting! Each bubble represents classes we matched in the last year. $10 donations fill in bubbles! Fill a bubble here 👇
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
Looks like about $200 would knock out Indiana. Anyone want to support this great program in $10 increments????
It's the 2nd day of the United States of Science, a fundraiser supporting! Each bubble represents classes we matched in the last year. $10 donations fill in bubbles! Fill a bubble here 👇
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
Back at the vet with Tinsel (she’s fine) and she is, as usual, unamused.
If Trump is re-elected, expect there to be massive rollbacks of land and ocean protections
Still can't get over how the Trump administration just announced that a marine protected area wasn't protected anymore, the first and only (so far) time that's happened in US history (From 2020) 🧪🦑🌎
Trump Administration Eliminates Protections for Vast Ocean Monument — Experts React • The Here’s why the action is so harmful, how it’s possibly illegal, and why it won’t help struggling fishing communities.
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
It's the 2nd day of the United States of Science, a fundraiser supporting! Each bubble represents classes we matched in the last year. $10 donations fill in bubbles! Fill a bubble here 👇
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
let me put this another way: despair, or its new name, doomerism, asserts omniscience--that things cannot be better, that all possibilities of good are already foreclosed, that you can know this as fact. it looks like humility, but it's all ego. it is, in fact, the assumption of godhood.
I joke a lot about my capacity for despair, but there's enough Catholic discipline in my youth to remember that it is in fact a sin, one that absorbs all the best in you more comprehensively than a tar pit. I left the church ages ago, but I held onto that cable: despair is not a long-term good.