
“Enjoy the camps” “I won’t feel sorry for you when you’re crying in the streets.” These are the responses Biden supporters have been sending to marginalized young ppl after I wrote about them refusing to support Biden until he stops funding Israel, stops ignoring the pandemic, among other policies
The way they so quickly respond with gleeful fantasies about POC being harmed is disturbing. It’s something that I saw from Trump voters in 2016 that’s become completely normalized among the Biden fandom. Not good
What if I don't want to see ppl harmed or in camps but want ppl to not allow the guy to be elected who'll worsen income inequality, deport millions, and keep appointing disgusting judges and justices? Is there any argument that can sway ppl to keep Trump out or do they not care about these things?
It's ok to be angry at these ppl for not doing everything they can to keep Trump out, who will appoint judges and justices that will strike down every left-leaning policy the young people and I care about. They're mad about Gaza and so am I. I wanted Bernie. We have to play the hand we are dealt.
When Trump is reelected, I am sure as shit going to be very angry with anyone who opposes him, yet didn't do everything they could to prevent him from taking office and thus our country from decaying 20x more quickly under his second term.
And I do agree that it is wrong to tell someone to "enjoy being in a camp." More appropriate to ask them how the hell they thing everything they care about is going to look under a second Trump term. This isn't a game. Women have lost autonomy over their own bodies already.