Hafiz 🇵🇸 Rashid

Hafiz 🇵🇸 Rashid


Writing about breaking news at @tnr.bsky.social
If you never read any other FOREVER WARS edition, read this interview with a US Army major who worked in military intelligence on the Mideast before resigning over Gaza. www.forever-wars.com/harrison-man...
I’m so old I remember her writing admirably in A PROBLEM FROM HELL about the State Department officials who resigned over US apathy to the genocide in Bosnia.
Columbia University alumni are threatening to “withhold all financial, programmatic, and academic support” from the college unless it divests from Israel and makes restitution towards the students harmed in its crackdown on protests. My story: newrepublic.com/post/181449/...
Columbia Could Take Major Financial Hit Over Response to Gaza Protestsnewrepublic.com More than 1,000 alums have pledged to withhold support from the school.
Hillel enforces an ideological position regarding the state of Israel on its members. It pushes people out who do things like screen Palestinian documentaries or collaborate with J Street, a liberal group that advocates for a two-state solution. www.nytimes.com/2013/12/29/u... 🎁
Hillel is the organization on campuses where Jewish students eat, pray, and gather together. Calling for a university to cut ties with Hillel is explicitly antisemitic. Not even a close call.
Members of Jewish Student Group Test Permissible Discussion on Israel (Published 2013)www.nytimes.com Swarthmore’s Hillel rebelled this month, saying it would not abide by its parent group’s guidelines prohibiting collaboration with speakers or groups deemed unsupportive of Israel.
From the NYU faculty protest
Most of the college protests over the war in Gaza seeing divestment from Israel and weapons manufacturers have been met with politicians and law enforcement missing the point. Ole Miss had some old-fashioned racism thrown in. My latest for @newrepublic: newrepublic.com/post/181299/...
Republican Rep. Cheers Students’ Racist Response to Gaza Protesternewrepublic.com Representative Mike Collins doubled down on the students’ racism.
In 2020, Patrick Braxton became the first Black mayor of a small town in rural Alabama. However, the town's white ex-mayor and council members reappointed themselves without anyone knowing. He's been locked out of town hall, denied access to town accounts and nearly run off the road, he says
A Black Man Was Elected Mayor in Rural Alabama, but the White Town Leaders Won’t Let Him Servecapitalbnews.org For three years, Patrick Braxton says he has experienced harassment and intimidation after becoming the first Black mayor in Newbern, Alabama.
This chart has been helpful for me
after months of practice I believe I have finally stopped mixing up Blackstone and BlackRock