
Of all the people out there casting blame for election results, this motherfucker should really, really keep his mouth shut. Without him, no Roberts. (Or Alito)
"Blundering campaign" Oh the nerve of this man. The absolute nerve.
Blaming Clinton for this is diabolical.
I blame the assholes who refused to vote for her because "they didn't like her" even when it was pointed out, repeatedly, that the next President was likely to appoint 2-3 justices. The right-wing has learned to vote on court appointments. The left hasn't still. *sigh*
Hillary got more votes than Obama did in 12 she just ran a shit campaign
well Hillary did almost no campaigning in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Ohio and thus got fewer votes in those states and thus lost them to Trump who spent a lot of time campaigning in those states. states which are called "battleground" states because they are vital to winning the general election
if Hillary wanted to win she should have spent time trying to get people to vote for her there instead of the deep blue states she had the majority of her campaign rallies in
Saving up misogyny for 8 years, letting it stew and marinate, to bring it out at just this moment, really tells you a lot about his character.