
So many liberals take my being an anarchist as indicating idealism or that I've never participated in politics. My radicalization started when I went to the ACLU national conference when I was 16 and asked RBG a question at the Q&A after her keynote. My disappointment in her answer was a small push
Would be very interested in what the question was and her response! I've been working on an explanation for my understanding of anarchy as not having an end state, but an ongoing process. Even in a world where all hierarchies were deconstructed, more will emerge and have to be reckoned with.
Something like: Me: I see the American flag claimed more and more by further right wing segments of the American people, do you worry that this could cloud its meaning as a symbol of justice and freedom (I know.)? RBG, in a voice of contempt that someone would even ask that: "Definitely not"
exact same voice and reply she used when Obama asked her to retire so he could fill her post with a healthy, young jurist
Oh hey, I'm angry again
Oh yeah I can feel anger in my belly.
They did it with Gadsen, they can do it with the Stars and Stripes. Here in Canada our own maple-MAGAs are tarnishing our flag’s reputation:
Even at that point more than 20 years ago they already had in meaningful ways. In that little queer friend group, anyone making the flag an important part of their aesthetic was immensely suspect for being someone that hated us for being queer and would at *least* vote against our freedom.
i mean the canadian flag (while admittedly a triumph of modern vexillology) is a flag that stands for the bloodshed of both literal and cultural genocide by settlers so to a lot of people have a negative association with it for, you know, pretty good reasons
"(I know.)" has me dying! I felt that to my core 😫😆