Hannah Riley #stopcopcity

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Hannah Riley #stopcopcity


Only a cop would think arresting people would prevent them from being radicalized
Well, NYC's Mayor Adams has certainly said the quiet part out loud.
Yes this. I’ve been hoping for an analysis connecting the movement to stop Cop City to how unis are deploying cops now. The students have been making this connection in the camps from the start.
For The Nation, I wrote about Emory, Cop City, and the police violence aimed at protest. When you put all your resources into militarizing policing, militarized police become the answer to everything. www.thenation.com/article/arch...
At Emory University, Cops Are Using a Sledgehammer to Swat a Flywww.thenation.com Atlantans have been protesting Cop City for years. Now the city’s notorious police forces are raiding its college campus.
This is excellent, and this part is so true. "When all you have is a hammer, all you see are nails."
For The Nation, I wrote about Emory, Cop City, and the police violence aimed at protest. When you put all your resources into militarizing policing, militarized police become the answer to everything. www.thenation.com/article/arch...
At Emory University, Cops Are Using a Sledgehammer to Swat a Flywww.thenation.com Atlantans have been protesting Cop City for years. Now the city’s notorious police forces are raiding its college campus.
For The Nation, I wrote about Emory, Cop City, and the police violence aimed at protest. When you put all your resources into militarizing policing, militarized police become the answer to everything. www.thenation.com/article/arch...
At Emory University, Cops Are Using a Sledgehammer to Swat a Flywww.thenation.com Atlantans have been protesting Cop City for years. Now the city’s notorious police forces are raiding its college campus.
🚨 @hannahcrileyy.bsky.social and i have something exciting coming in the next few days - it's totally free and you can sign up here. thejumpline.substack.com
shit keep forgetting this place exists
@hannahcrileyy.bsky.social sat in on the mass "Copy City" arraignments last month in Atlanta. What she found was a chaotic mess—judges, lawyers, and court employees baffled and overwhelmed by the farcical choice to prosecute 61 protesters as a racketeering conspiracy: theappeal.org/stop-cop-cit...
The Mass ‘Cop City’ Arraignments Were an Absurd Circustheappeal.org The mass Stop Cop City arraignments in Atlanta charging protesters with domestic terrorism were a silly farce, one observer writes.
Breaking News! Breaking News! Breaking News! Yesterday the global sea surface temperature anomaly hit a new record high of 0.702°C above the 1991-2020 mean, beating the previous record anomaly of 0.700°C set on September 9th. This is a 'Code UFB' event.
Tomorrow is my birthday and in the midst of everything, it would mean a lot to me if those of you who would like to can donate to REBUILD so we can keep the work going: mightycause.com/story/759wff - we're still a long way from our goal. Thanks for considering.
Support REBUILD 2023 on Mightycausemightycause.com Free therapy for formerly incarcerated people of color.
absolutely love to have zero news sources or websites that I trust, as a literal genocide is unfolding across the world. love it so much
New: verified Twitter 'OSINT' accounts are destroying the Israel-Palestine information ecosystem. What used to be a network of reliable experts has been taken over by profit and click driven verified accounts. Everyone loses out. "Unprecedented" levels www.404media.co/twitter-veri...
‘Verified’ OSINT Accounts Are Destroying the Israel-Palestine Information Ecosystemwww.404media.co The problem with profit and engagement driven misinformation from pseudo-OSINT accounts during the Israel-Palestine conflict is "unprecedented." One expert said after Musk's recent changes "all hell b...
the other website is absolutely unusable. I’m used to trolls but Jesus Christ
god am I happy to be on a social media platform without video right now
if you have lived on this planet for more than two minutes -- if you have read just one snippet of just one history book ever -- you know that asking people to "peacefully protest" their own genocide DOES. NOT. WORK. violent occupations harm everyone, including the occupiers.
"Police do not exist in a vacuum. Their repression is legitimized by the state—by prosecutors, by judges, and by the elected officials who choose to align themselves with state power instead of the people who gave them that power." @hannahcrileyy.bsky.social
Atlanta Is Trying to Crush the Opposition to “Cop City” by Any Means Necessarywww.thenation.com Mass arrests. Trumped-up charges. Brutal violence. They’re all part of the city’s effort to destroy the movement against the infamous police facility.
1. Do not live in a country that could be mercilessly bombed on the advice of Henry Kissinger
this is now my safe place to talk all my shit about the AJC without losing my job. please enjoy this masterpiece depiction of the AJC editorial room I just created
I look at this picture often to ground myself in the stakes of this fight. “On this ground, GSP assassinated forest defender (and comrade, friend, lover) Tortugita.”
Another awesome person fighting to stop cop city has arrived on the blooskee 👑
my friend told me he thought this app was pronounced “bloo-skee” and now I can’t unhear it
my friend told me he thought this app was pronounced “bloo-skee” and now I can’t unhear it
End of feed.