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Earthseed | Abolition | Anti-capitalism

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No one is coming to save us. We need to build working-class power, we need to build a movement that can crush fascism, we need to organize like never before. Because we don't have a democracy to save, but we do have one to build from the ground up.
The Supreme Court just legalized Presidential Fighting back is more important than ever.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
The Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law must be understood not simply as a grant of immunity for past crimes, but an enthusiastic endorsement of those he will commit if given the chance.
The Supreme Court Gives Its Blessing to Trump’s And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
WEST BANK: Alongside the catastrophe in Gaza, another crisis is unfolding in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the Israeli military has launched land incursions, conducted airstrikes, restricted access to resources, and targeted health infrastructure. #Palestine #Israel
Emergency statement on the health and human rights crisis in the West Alongside the catastrophe in Gaza, another crisis is unfolding in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the Israeli military has launched land incursions, conducted airstrikes, restricted access to ...
In a week where America was rocked by a corrupt Supreme Court and a President who should be stepping away from his campaign but is refusing to do so, we need to look to other countries around the globe, like the powerful movements for democracy in Kenya and Bolivia.
What a We were just shown how organizing to resist is more important that ever
Reposted byAvatar Josh
So if genocide doesn’t happen instantly it’s not genocide ? Make that make sense
It's a tough spot, but not genocide. If Israel had wanted to commit genocide it could have killed every last one of them the week after the terrorist attack.
Is it a thing in Washington state for little Mexican restaurants to be inside gas stations?
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Marcellus Williams was cleared by DNA evidence and the prosecutor is trying to vacate the conviction, but the state of Missouri still scheduled an execution date for him. Please sign and share this petition
Stop the Sept. 24 Execution of Marcellus Williams, an Innocent Man - Innocence DNA evidence not available at the time of trial proves his innocence but has not been considered in court. Act today.
After Justin Timberlake was handed a DWI multiple outlets ran a strange hit piece on the arresting officer. Does it mean this one cop is an asshole? Or does it mean that rich people out in The Hamptons hate having the law enforced — on them?
Justin Timberlake vs. The One Good Justin Timberlake was arrested in The Hamptons last week and charged with a DWI. His BMW was stopped a little after 12:15 a.m. for driving through a stop sign, then failing to stay on the right side o...
Louisiana is mandating the 10 commandments in public school classrooms. Is it unconstitutional? Yes. Do we need more than legal arguments to beat Christo-fascism. Yes. We need robust public spaces and goods so churches aren't the main provider of people’s needs.
Nowhere to go but Capitalism, Christo-fascism, and the erosion of public space
Reposted byAvatar Josh
"With the help of a research assistant, I reached out to every union drive that went public in 2022...BLM was the (non-union) movement influence that was most widely cited by those workers who initiated union drives in 2022."
Can Anti-Racism Spur Labor Organizing? My survey findings on BLM's impact on the current unionization uptick
Reposted byAvatar Josh
The Red Cross is Hamas
Reposted byAvatar Josh
A new report shows that the IDF knew Hamas' plan on October 7th. And did nothing. Did they underestimate Palestinian resistance, or did Netanyahu think this would benefit him? Either way, the world sees how Israel doesn't care about their own civilians.
Israel knew Hamas' plan and did nothing. Why? New evidence first obtained by an Israeli public broadcast channel shows that the Israeli military had shockingly clear and precise intelligence about Hamas' plans to attack and take hostages weeks be...
Parents are sending their kids to Chick-fil-A's "summer camp." But do they know that Chick-fil-A has exploited hundred of child laborers as young as 14? Or that child poultry workers at a factory Chick-fil-A contracts with died on the job last month?
Summer camp at Why are parents paying for their kids to learn fast-food work?
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Our government won't stop lying to us. Israeli officials are clear about rejecting a permanent ceasefire. Hamas is clear about accepting it. But U.S. officials and politicians won't stop saying that Hamas is blocking peace.
Why does our government keep lying? Israel didn't agreed to a ceasefire, Hamas did, and we're being lied to.
Building community can feel imposible. In some places it can be immensely hard to organize. But wherever you are, there are people who want better. We just have to start building. And, if you start to build it, other people will come.
A Winter in Building community wherever we are.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
#OtD 9 Jun 1963 civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer was arrested in Mississippi on trumped up charges and brutally beaten in jail on the orders of police. She had previously been… 9 Jun 1963 civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer was arrested in Mississippi on trumped up charges and brutally beaten in jail on the orders of police. She had previously been…
Reposted byAvatar Josh
NEW: Leonard Peltier, the Native American rights activist the U.S. govt put in prison ~50 years ago, is getting what may be his last chance at freedom. FBI director Chris Wray says the bureau remains opposed to his parole. His statement is full of holes.
Leonard Peltier Is Getting What May Be His Last Chance At The Native American rights activist, whom the U.S. government put in prison nearly 50 years ago after a trial rife with misconduct, is getting a parole hearing.
I've been writing about this country becoming more and more unaffordable. This trend is hitting rural America harder than a lot of people know. The great publication Spirit of Solidarity and I compiled dozens of testimonies about this trend.
Destroying livability in the United A follow-up on gentrification and decay
If you could/had to move anywhere in the U.S. where would you go, and why?
Reposted byAvatar Josh
A ceasefire is proposed, Israel undermines it, the West tries to blame Hamas. The cycle just repeated itself, again. But this time Biden himself announced it, then Netanyahu rejected the entire “permanent ceasefire” section. This sick cycle must end.
Israel rejects peace. A permanent ceasefire is a "non-starter" for Netanyahu
Reposted byAvatar Josh
“What’s going on in the museums today, in the universities, is McCarthyism — Jewish McCarthyism,” he said. “Voices that are pro-Palestinian will get destroyed. You will lose your livelihood. The teachers will be thrown out. That’s the world we’re living in.”
A Holocaust museum cut a survivor from its speaker's list — for protesting the war in Holocaust survivor Rene Lichtman lay down in the road outside a Detroit area Holocaust museum to protest Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Random question but what’s the deal with the Eugene/Springfield area? The vibes are very confusing
Reposted byAvatar Josh
On this day 103 years ago the Tulsa Race Riots began, & would last days. In this piece from "The Crisis" of the time, W. E. B. DuBois wrote: "Do not forget Tulsa... Black Tulsa fights! It fights mobs with firearms..." Alt4me
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Protestors at Columbia have set up a third pro-Palestinian encampment for alumni weekend, and our friends at WKCR are on the story! Listen in at 9 p.m. ET