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Dad, data science, dogs. Baker, cook, ice cream maker, gardener, Arduino/Raspberry Pi hobbyist, trying to once again be a runner.
I've decided I like the Cleveland City Connects. Maybe the terrible Phillies version has warped my sense of these things, idk
Weavin' up some bacon for BLTs 🍜🍽️
Do...other bike rides in Philly utilize cars somehow?
Gotsta do the flag cake 🍽️🍜
Reposted byAvatar jacob
"the Court has begun to implement the policy preferences of its conservative majority in a new and troubling way: by simultaneously stripping power from every political entity except the Supreme Court itself"
once again i think that mark lemley’s article on the “imperial supreme court” is the most perceptive thing written about the roberts court and its overarching project harvardlawreview.org/forum/vol-13...
The Imperial Supreme Court - Harvard Law Reviewharvardlawreview.org The past few years have marked the emergence of the imperial Supreme Court. Armed with a new, nearly bulletproof majority, conservative Justices on the...
Biden gotta start throwing some reaction expressions in there when he's not speaking. Smirk or something, man!
How can the moderators possibly allow this level of bullshit to stream unchecked. Jesus Christ
Trump got through about an answer and a half keeping himself somewhat measured, but he just can't help himself lol
If we were a serious country, this debate would be on, like, C-Span or PBS and just be straight policy questions. Two minutes of listening to this CNN panel and I'd almost prefer hearing Stephen A Smith talk about my son's T-ball team
Can't get caught slippin during stone fruit season. It doesn't last long and if you don't have a strategy and focus you'll never maximize your pluot intake.
Sometimes when my 4yo wants to play, he'll set up a little desk with an office phone, a lamp, and some paper. Then, he'll tell me his phone number and ask me to call his work office. Then, when I call, he picks up and says, "Sorry, I'm too busy to talk right now," and just hangs up on me
Why the hell does the doctor's office need to see an insurance card with every visit. We were just here two months ago!
Now, that it's been roughly six months since we went EV for my car, I gotta say having one EV and one hybrid might be the way to go Gas is nice to have available for long trips, but only paying $45 for gas every six weeks or so is amazing day-to-day
Reposted byAvatar jacob
Posting this randomly and not for any recent headlines or whatever
On my stroller walk with the baby early this morning, I experienced my first "older lady comes up to excitedly compliment me on helping my wife out with the baby" in the wild. Um, thanks, lady, but I wasn't exactly tagging in for labor and delivery, it was a pleasant morning stroll lol
Last night, I had a very detailed dream that Harry Potter and I solved the 30-50 hogs problem for that guy once and for all
That Meta AI really thinks so I don't have to
My wife's surprise Father's Day dinner was Chicken n Waffles with Waffles and Ice Cream for dessert Woman gets me
My 4yo woke me up crying that he wanted to color signs for his door and when I asked him what kind of signs, he said, "Door facts" So, I've been making up fake facts about doors and printing them out for him to color Happy Father's Day lol
Soccer isn't as fun to listen to on the radio compared to baseball, I'll tell ya that much
When you interview someone for the first time, it's important to make sure your hand is just slightly wet when you shake theirs.
“But isn’t that impossible?” You’re asking. “Aren’t sharks saltwater creatures and isn’t the Seine a freshwater river?” You are also asking: “Isn’t the Seine much too cold to comfortably accommodate a shark?” The answer to all these questions is: “Shut up, idiot"
Under Paris: Netflix has delivered one of the best shark movies ever madewww.theguardian.com There’s a shark in Paris in a knowingly improbable yet genuinely entertaining summer thriller that deserves its place near the top of a hit-and-miss subgenre
Learning this morning that it is pretty difficult to explain the concept of money to a kid when you not only never use cash, but don't even carry cards. Just holding the phone up is, admittedly, a pretty abstract representation of money.
Phillies City Connect jerseys should've just been that kids' basketball jersey they just showed as a giveaway
To get your doctorate you should have to explain the subject to a four year old saying, "Why?"
What I really need from the MLB app is the ability to watch that 3D game play while also hearing the radio broadcast On a side note, I am stuck sitting in the car while the baby sleeps and everyone else is in Hershey Chocolate World.
Reposted byAvatar jacob
I’m a genuine admirer of David French. He’s one of the very, very few conservative Evangelical Christians (in fact, I can’t think of another) who stayed true to his principles in the Trump era, and he and his family paid a steep price. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/09/o...
Opinion | The Day My Old Church Canceled Me Was a Very Sad Daywww.nytimes.com There is a difference between peace and capitulation.
5 y/o niece just walked up and said, "What's this?"