Harley Robertson

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Harley Robertson


Data Analyst
Universal Healthcare
The appointment of special counsels has consistently been held as legal and the idea that every single Federal employee must be appointed by the president and approved by the Senate is ridiculous,
Trump should be held accountable in a courtroom. He should not be re-elected. Guns are not the appropriate solution.
The US was founded upon the idea that there should be a seperation from church and state. So opposing that seperation is un-American.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas got a free Yacht and Helicopter to Putin's palace in Russia! So lucky!
Promising to detain 15 million people is very Nazi-like. So no, comparing Trump and the authors of Project 2025 to Nazis is not an exaggeration.
"I never thought they would turn me into a zombie!" - Person who voted for the Right to Zombie Party.
It's not brave to brainwash your kids into the MAGA cult with children's books written by Anti-Americans.
Justice Sotomayor should be the Chief Justice. Anyone who voted for the President to be a King should be kicked off the Supreme Court.
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Recruiting Fake Electors isn't an official act.
Sleep is a biological necessity, not a crime.
I believe in Capitalism, at least until we find something better. It can spur people to action, it drives innovation and advancements, but like anything in life too much can be a bad thing, when someone or some company is motivated solely by money that's a problem.
Vote for Congressional Candidates who will vote for the Women's Health Protection Act! https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3755/text
The Supreme Court says that it's okay to bribe Government Officials as long as it's payment on delivery not a pre-payment. And some people aren't seeing anything wrong with this SCOTUS....
Me: The Second Amendment doesn't protect your right to own apples. Silly person: You just come and try to take my apples! Me: I don't want your apples. Silly person: So you don't know what "the people" means? It's not just apple farmers! Me: I have apples, I am fine.
Just in case anyone wants to vote for Trump so that we can become "Energy Independent", check out this chart. That phrase is usually used to indicate when US Oil net imports are below zero. Like where they are now, without Trump.
Only highlighting crimes committed by Immigrants and not highlighting the crimes committed by US Citizens presents a distorted view of reality in favor of a xenophobic political agenda. Don't be overly swayed by anecdotal evidence.
The National Guard was 129 years old when they helped us win the American Revolution. That's why the Framers protected it with the Second Amendment. Without the NG, we wouldn't have a country.
May this be the beginning of the end of Trumpism.
Trump just said that he wants a third term, which is currently illegal. Putting aside all doubt as to his desire to become a dictator.
"Well Regulated" in the Second Amendment is talking about regulating the Militia (as per Article 1 Section 8) - NOT regulating personal firearms. So it's the militia that should be kept in good working order, nothing to do with your guns.
If people are so certain that we have an open international border because of border encounters, then where are they getting the border encounters that prove we have open borders between US states?
The Louisiana Executive Branch is now suing Joe Biden for the right to discriminate against trans women instead of spending that time and effort helping the people of Louisiana.
You may not like Trump's personality or his mean tweets, but if you put all that aside and just look at his actions and policies when he was in office... he was still the worst president in American history.
Reminder, in Roe v Wade: States couldn't ban abortions in the First trimester. States could restrict abortions in the Second trimester. States could ban abortions in the Third trimester (except if the mother's life was in danger).
Watching Stormy. It's a good glimpse into how Trump works and how it impacts people.