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Living in Scotland
Voracious Reader
Home Cook
Super Casual Gamer
Servant of Cats
Hag In Training
2am shower happened after being so sad I did nothing but lay abed and listen to the dramatized Acotar book =/
My weather sense just kicked into high gear, the lights gone dirty yellow (not green tf) and it's dead still after intermittent breezes all day =/
It will be the same path for me, if it even exists by the time I get there =/
I was going to make the point if Seanan didn't. I went trad pub because all I can handle is the writing and editing. I need other people to do the business side of things or /you'd never get any art from me/. Between autism and adhd, I know my limitations. I still think I deserve to be paid.
More of Mali's cute and cozy work is up for grabs! 💚
Mini shop drop is live!! Any shares are super appreciated 💛💛 Link in reply :)
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As of yesterday I officially lost a whole week of work because the power still hasn't come back on. Anybody mind sparing a few bucks? Hell buy a sticker, it'll give me something to do. ko-fi.com/tricktownsend
Support Trick Townsend on Ko-fi! ❤️ko-fi.com Become a supporter of Trick Townsend today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on donations.
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My advice, for those who need it: Don't shy away from dark & messy things. Share your love of wild gloom. Be the moss covered monstrosity you want to see in the world.
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Happy little jars and bottles 🍒🌿
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Autistic people aren’t a burden on society on account of being autistic Ignorant and violent people who oppress the disabled, however, ARE a major burden on society #ActuallyAutistic
Writing folk, here is a prime opportunity for any level of experience! 💚
I have two spaces for new editing clients in August! Reach out with the details of your project and we'll learn if I'm the best person to help you develop your manuscript.
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Book Signing today, 1 to 3pm, with bestselling crime and horror author Armand Rosamilia, comedy-horror writer Damien Casey, and Central PA's own Joe Ortlieb. We have plenty of their books for purchase. You may also bring books from home to be signed.
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The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make
Reposted byAvatar HawthorneQueen
This place either needs more harmless small talk or fewer extremely nasty people, because it has gotten out of balance, especially in the last couple of weeks.
Reposted byAvatar HawthorneQueen
There's no time like the present to leave it all behind, live in a hollow tree, become a dark druid, and befriend the moss and owls. They will not hurt you like the world does. Except for the owl bites. Those are quite painful.
He's a clown, fundamentally unjust, horribly privileged with wealth that insulates him from much needed consequences, and is overall NOT a healthy representation of who autistic people really are =/
When Elon Musk announced to the world that he’s autistic on Saturday Night Live, some people claimed that this represents a noticeable step forward for autistic people in public life. But @sarahkapit.bsky.social is not celebrating. Read why, at TPGA: thinkingautismguide.com/2021/05/why-...
Why Elon Musk Being Autistic Isn't That Great For Autistic People — THINKING PERSON'S GUIDE TO AUTISMthinkingautismguide.com My message to Elon Musk is this: If you want to be enthusiastically welcomed into the autistic community, act like a member of our community.
Thanks, I appreciate it as it isn't easy being so green. 💚
Never give up. Somewhere out there is a crumbling castle that needs a new ghost, a dungeon that needs a new dragon, or a misty forest that needs a new moss ghoul, murmuring in the gloom. I believe in you.
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Gardening Shows: Your entryway should convey what your garden is about. Me: Got it 👇
If you see this post, post or quote post with a tree or a tree-lined path from your photos. 🌿😄 I can play this game, too, but from a different perspective. But over there… on the side of that mountain… is that your path @biobabbler.bsky.social & @watchinthesky.bsky.social?
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something i learned after becoming disabled is that abled people have like zero tolerance for disabled rage. they can’t stand it, it makes them see red. we’re supposed to be perpetually grateful and happy we’re not being euthanized
VORTEX has almost made their funding goal, it'd be so good if folks could help them over the line so they can all enjoy Saturday's event with less stress 💚
Happy to announce the new annex will be open in time for tomorrow's signing. However, getting it to that stage has WIPED OUT the store's bank account. We're only $1,700 away from goal. If you can donate $5, $10, or $20 today, it'll alleviate my current panic attack. www.gofundme.com/f/vortex-boo...
Vortex Books & Comics Expansion, organized by Brian Keenewww.gofundme.com Thanks to the support of our customers, creatives, and the community, things have been so … Brian Keene needs your support for Vortex Books & Comics Expansion
Wait, WHAT? I guess we're birthday buddies! Also Bagbat draws some really neat things and could definitely use the commissions, folks 💚
Btw, my birthday is coming up next week (on the 19th to be specific). If you want to donate for my birthday or wish to commission me, I'll leave my Ko-Fi link down below. I want to try to have a better birthday this year than last year. ko-fi.com/bag_of_devou... I'll be sharing the link all week😊
Buy bag_of_devouring a Coffee. ko-fi.com/bag_of_devouringko-fi.com Become a supporter of bag_of_devouring today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on donations.
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If you get an icky feeling from the way most news stories and research talk about autistic people, you're not wrong. Friends don't let friends use or spread harmful autism information. See our resources page for better options: thinkingautismguide.com/resources #AutismAcceptance #Neurodiversity
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Don't be afraid of monsters under the bed, or gothic manor ghosts, or any of the many cousins of Mothman. Make them some tea. Go on adventures together. Become private investigators and rule the night, forever.
Reposted byAvatar HawthorneQueen
I'm thinking about offer greyscale (+one color) commissions like these examples, lower price than full color ones. (80€ head shot, 130€ halfbody and 200€ fullbody) Would you be interested? 👀 👉👈
Reposted byAvatar HawthorneQueen
My job slashed my hours, so I've got a couple comm slots open to try and keep the lights on and the cats fed while I look for a new one. Portraits are pay-what-you-want, pinups and full body slots are limited, sharing this is free and helps bunches. 🥹❤️ #comms #artist ko-fi.com/carminedevil...
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