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Vitriol for everyone! Also RPGs, Dragon Age, Fallout 76, making things, learning how to be old, & cats.
The Spousal Unit made delicious oven-que ribs & coleslaw today. A fine Sunday dinner.
Ms. Halftail came back. It’s been weeks!
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
"Farther Together," original watercolor. A flock of ravens and the majesty of the milky way. They know that when we go together, we can touch the stars. I also made prints, tote bags, and game mats with this art: www.joannabarnum.com/shop #art #ravens #corvids #darkart #fantasyart #watercolor
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
Libations for the house spirit! The kitchen sink which refused to drain since last night despite all the home efforts has cleared! We’ve been muddling through because I’m a cheap bastard & didn’t want to pay plumber holiday rates.
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
Matt Wedel’s piece “Child,” also named “Orange Julius" at the Long Beach Museum of Art approx. 2008. I lived nearby and saw it almost everyday.
Looking forward to a Friday evening reading Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.
Not thrilled to be dealing with boxes mice have been using for nesting. Feces & urine galore! Did I mention this is in a garage with no AC? But I did get to show the less experienced employees what to look for, where to get the masks/gloves, & why they need to wear them.
Starting the prep for kumquat curd.
Full moon, Irish bar, live music, old friends.
This is me 30 years ago this at my friend Elaine's hand-fasting. I have better garb shoes now.
This afternoon’s listening:
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
The first test batch of Ice Cream Bowls is out of the kiln and now I’m ready to make the remaining 960 to finish our 1,000 handmade bowl Ice Cream Social challenge as a fundraiser for our studio. Bowls are $15 each (regularly $42) Get yours at gravescopottery.com/collections/...
Max did not like his trip to the vet, did not like the flea medication, and really didn’t like the antibiotic.
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
Home again. The cats are happy & rarely let me out of sight. I have been to that campground so many times over the last 3 decades but I have an odd feeling that I won’t see it again. Foolish melancholy, I hope.
Vacation officially started! Tonight I finalize packing lists. I enjoy the organizational aspect of taking a trip. Logistics baby!
Present me is grateful to past me for adding vacation days before & after the upcoming camping trip. Good thinking Past Self!
A good pet sitter is worth what they charge. And a hefty tip. I came home to two happy, calm cats. She even sang to them.
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
I'm back at it with the reliquary pendants. The bird here is cut from one of my Basilisk woodcuts, the cloth is vintage handwoven tsumugi silk. I'll be pairing it with either a sunstone or sapphire, whichever speaks to me when I get to that point.
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
Hey y’all! I have made some big life decisions that will result in an improved financial situation for us, including taking advantage of free PT so I can function better, but we need help while I wait to get paid from these jobs. If you like my kitten posts, please consider sparing a dollar!
Help Me Out of this Hole So I Can Help Others, organized by Natalie Burtongofund.me Hey, y’all. This is so hard for me, because I was always taught to suck i… Natalie Burton needs your support for Help Me Out of this Hole So I Can Help Others
I hate dusting but have a handful of knick knacks that mean a lot to me. Maybe a shadow box with a door?
Cleaning before the meet & greet with the new pet sitter. Begone squalor!
Reposted byAvatar Hawthorntree
New ElfQuest Book Coming! Flesk Publications has a new offering in the works: ElfQuest Covers. The book will come in two formats and compile every single ElfQuest comic-book cover created, with commentary from Richard Pini. Kickstarter campaign starts on May 21.
Waiting to take down my office’s network & asking all the powers that be that I can get it back up again after the changes are made. I’m not IT, I’m just the friggin’ trained monkey they use when they don’t want to fly out to this office.
Chocolate chip cookies in the oven for the DnD game tonight.
Next up - Too Old to Rock N’ Roll: Too Young to Die