
Thing I find deeply annoying about the Current Moment - Cognitive decline, dementia and other neurological conditions are a real thing, and you minimize the suffering and struggle of both those experiencing these conditions and those that care for them when you use the terms flippantly.
Bluesky has enough scolds, but of all the death and dying I’ve born witness to little compares to what I’ve watched families and patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases both persevere and suffer through. And I promise you, someone close to you has gone or is going through it.
My father died of Lewy Body. So it makes me irrationally angry when people use dementia as some political gotcha. Them “He doesn’t even know where he is. How’s he supposed to be President?” Me “Funny you should say that. Square, the fuck up.”
I appreciate you sharing that, I can only imagine how frustrating, alienating and cruel this discourse is for you. You and your father’s memory deserve better.