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Dad, husband, medic, UVA double hoo. Interested in policy, specifically health, neurology/emergency medicine, security and the like.

I spent too long riding around in emergency vehicles. Occasional earnest woodworking posts.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
For folks who've appreciated my coverage of the French elections... @bolts.bsky.social is quite different—but we cover US politics with such attention to detail. So give us a follow if you've enjoyed this, and care about the US. And our newsletter is free! boltsmag.org/newsletter
Update - they came out perfectly! The spalted areas are totally solid now, and once I clean up some of the excess epoxy you won’t even be able to tell. I also filled and stabilized a large crack on one of the boards that I think came out nicely.
I’ve had luck with soaking these spalted areas with epoxy previously, so I decided to try again! The trick is to brush on the epoxy and allow it to soak into the pores of the affected wood. This should take about a day to cure, and I’ll post an update on how it turned out then!
Small update - when I milled out the walnut lumber I found a few spots with spalting/rot in them. The thing is though, it looks really cool! So I want to preserve the spalted patterns it while reinforcing the overall strength of the wood.
Thing I find deeply annoying about the Current Moment - Cognitive decline, dementia and other neurological conditions are a real thing, and you minimize the suffering and struggle of both those experiencing these conditions and those that care for them when you use the terms flippantly.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
"If I lose, it will be the best thing to happen to me and my wife." —a Conservative MP on Sky News What a country!
Update - brother in law helped me mill some of the walnut this morning. Just look how gorgeous this stuff is right underneath the surface. This stuff is extremely rich, owing to it being air dried rather than kiln dried.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
It’s always good to remember this fact, but especially these days: US political journalists rely on and enthusiastically encourage an entire pseudoscientific polling industry because dissecting polls is so easy and inexpensive compared to time-consuming investigative journalism.
New projects! I recently acquired about 150 board feet of 100+ year old air dried walnut found in the loft of a barn. I have big plans for this, and by that I mean tables of various shapes and sizes. I’m excited to post updates as I go.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
Americanists and lawyers ask, what does the Constitution say? Comparativists ask, who controls the High Court, the militia, and the clerics?
6-3 for total immunity is devastating. This isn’t a ruling for 45, this is permission for 47.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
It's Election Day in France! The 1st round of the parliamentary elections Macron called just 3 weeks ago. Last polls close at 8pm local time (2pm ET). Exit polls, estimates, first results will drop immediately; so buckle up, follow this space. What to watch?
Here it is, finished and installed! Just gotta wait for things to set up and I can take the clamps off.
I know I said my next project would be a canoe, but we needed a new kitchen island so I did that instead. I decided to use some tools I recently inherited from my grandfather to make a faux live edge type banding around the tabletop. I used scrap walnut pieces and then regular 2x8’s.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
I know I said my next project would be a canoe, but we needed a new kitchen island so I did that instead. I decided to use some tools I recently inherited from my grandfather to make a faux live edge type banding around the tabletop. I used scrap walnut pieces and then regular 2x8’s.
I’ve talked about this before, but the combination of a dead in the water EV, laminated auto glass and a complicated/poorly communicated emergency backup process is pretty scary. www.29news.com/2024/06/24/t...
Toddler trapped in car after Tesla battery dieswww.29news.com A toddler was trapped inside a Tesla after its battery died.
There are a few things that my 911/emergency medicine experience make me absolutely terrified. Mandolins. I can’t even look at them. Also trampolines and electricity.
Don’t mandolin your thumb, kids.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
Eight votes currently separate John McGuire and Bob Good in #VA05. www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
Bob Good has retaken the lead in #VA05, 50.4% to 49.6%—a margin of 425 votes.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
States often cut off payments to kids when they move from foster care into adoptive families or kin guardianships. Minnesota worried this might unintentionally slow moves out of foster care. In 2015, basically equalized payments for kids age 6+ but not for younger (Figure 1). What happened next?
This story about Chomsky’s stroke and, more specifically, his wife’s reaction to it strikes me as extremely sad. www.msn.com/en-us/health...
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
As someone who's born and raised in the MENA and I know heat: do not go outside during the hottest part of the day, do not go for a walk, do not decide to do DIY, do not do manual labor, just do not! You can weed your damn garden at 7pm. Go back inside, turn on the ac/fan, hydrate, eat popsicles.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
It's time to start thinking about how to participate in the upcoming election -- looking for a local candidate you'd be happy to knock on doors for, looking for tight races to donate to and for finding that one long shot in some deep red corner to donate to thank them for having the courage to run.
I’ve done medical standby work at large events. On hot days at sporting events, concerts and festivals we would literally have a dozen bags of saline prepped in our medical tent. Conveyor belt medicine tbh. Here’s an article I helped with that some colleagues published -
Last November when I was helping report on the fan who died from heat exhaustion at the Taylor Swift concert, an expert warned me that she was the tip of a very deadly iceberg. /1
Mass gathering medicine: event factors predicting patient presentation rates - PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov This study was conducted to identify the event characteristics of mass gatherings that predict patient presentation rates held in a southeastern US university community. We conducted a retrospective r...
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
NEWS: After sustained attacks from House Republicans, the Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled. A huge blow to academic freedom and our ability to understand platforms and influence operations www.platformer.news/stanford-int...
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
“Incidence of dementia among people under 65 is rare, occurring in 1.2 people per 1,000… But the study group’s rate of early-onset dementia is nearly 40 times higher. “We would have expected one to two, maybe three cases at the very most, and so seeing several hundreds was something of a surprise”
World Trade Center responders exposed to more dust saw higher risk of early dementiawww.statnews.com A new study found a significant increase in early-onset dementia among 9/11 first responders compared to the general population.
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
No 33. Can’t justify holding off any longer Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique. My reticence is that I don’t recall seeing it much in the UK but it was hugely influential in the US, exposing the misery of the ‘homemaker’ starved of fulfilling alternatives. Changed the discourse and lives. 📚💙
Reposted byAvatar Haydon
*Consistent* overperformance in special elections has historically been correlated with general-election success. Democrats have now overperformed in 2023-24 special congressional elections by an average of 7 points.