
AI image generator shuts down due to lack of profit 🎻
I mean even the biggest ones aren't profitable, and there are SO MANY, this was just a matter of time.
The tide of feeling against this stuff is so huge, let's hope it's enough.
The general feeling from regular folk (at least that i've spoken to) are people are just sick of EVERYTHING being A/I, much the same as how NFT's got run into the ground. By the time corps have done PR to try and change peoples minds the bubble will have burst and most will have shut
Of course the 'big' ones will remain, but i honestly doubt they'll be doing the things they claim they will be. It will be a tool and a novelty again
My fingers are all the way crossed, seriously. Every time it blows up, the binfire that results is oddly encouraging as it sends exactly the right message. Scientific purposes are great, let's do all the things. But not in the creative or customer facing industries!
Although, the greater the height the bigger the fall 🥰 let's manifest for such a joyful day ✨️ 😊