
AI image generator shuts down due to lack of profit 🎻
I mean even the biggest ones aren't profitable, and there are SO MANY, this was just a matter of time.
The tide of feeling against this stuff is so huge, let's hope it's enough.
The general feeling from regular folk (at least that i've spoken to) are people are just sick of EVERYTHING being A/I, much the same as how NFT's got run into the ground. By the time corps have done PR to try and change peoples minds the bubble will have burst and most will have shut
Of course the 'big' ones will remain, but i honestly doubt they'll be doing the things they claim they will be. It will be a tool and a novelty again
My fingers are all the way crossed, seriously. Every time it blows up, the binfire that results is oddly encouraging as it sends exactly the right message. Scientific purposes are great, let's do all the things. But not in the creative or customer facing industries!
Although, the greater the height the bigger the fall 🥰 let's manifest for such a joyful day ✨️ 😊
So far, no genAI platform/program/etc has been actually profitable. Like NFTs, techbros are pushing it hard, trying to sell it and the moment they get a good amount of money from investors, will pack their suitcases up and run for the hills. As for the general public, nobody likes or wants it.
Most people are predicting the "bubble" to burst by the end of the year and quite frankly? It couldn't come soon enough.
As far as the general public go, we're all living in an cost of living crisis, nobody is doing well apart from the rich...and then you have companies saying how their A/I will replace them and it is REALLY rubbing people the wrong way. It's a master class in how not to sell your product lol
Was reading something a couple of weeks ago (can't find the link now apologies) saying it would mean up to eight MILLION people out of work, which would crash the economy, because we simply couldn't support that level of unemployment. That, or necessitate a wealth tax and UBI.
and it’s mind boggling how the media and people eat that shit up. They’re saying it’s the future…because they’re being told it is. Not because of that Gen AI can acrually do
The whole sell of AI to businesses is it's cheaper than paying people. If it is, in fact, not cheaper, and has just been sold cheaply to get everyone hooked on it (as tech companies have done repeatedly), it's hard to see where it goes.
And in a heartening turn, it seems the public is starting to see use of AI imagery as an indicator of lack of quality and/or potential fraud, which completely off-sets any gains from not paying artists.
A review site very obviously started using ChatGPT to write the entire review for my stuff, so I just stopped sending it to them. Lazy bastards.
Multiple websites have switches to AI written articles to game the Google search algorithm, and that's why I switched to a different search engine on my PC. (need to figure out a good way to do that on my phone. I really like the premise of ecosia!)
I'm bouncing between Ecosia and DuckDuck at the mo. Haven't had any issues with ecosia so far, results are certainly no worse than Google is anymore and usually better, and it seems to be on the level with its goal.
Ya but it's still Google, so the results are kinda dogshit
Ecosia's what I use, though dismayingly they also have an AI search thing
This! These computer plagarised picture collages just give low quality tacky vibes 🤭🤭🤣
Somehow it reminds me of that indefinable "look" that the covers of self-published books always used to have. You can't necessarily put your finger on any one element, but the whole thing is slightly off.
Slightly Off - John Finnemore's Souvenir See this sketch live in John Finnemore's Flying Visit - touring the UK this autumn! Dates and tickets at johnfinnemore.comFrom John Finnemore's Souvenir Prog...
Oh thank you! I'll take a look when I'm home, but totally agree with your point!
Oh, that video is just a comedy sketch about a guy who paints slightly off Disney characters on ice cream vans.
My husband was hiring people recently (IT) & all of the interviewees were asking whether they would get to use AI. He asked them to make a case for use of AI anywhere in the project. None of them could come up with anything where it would be cheaper or more effective than people.
and on the premise that it’s better. If you generate a movie script you have to give it to a writer to fix which is MORE work
The premise that it's better is clearly nonsense, but there's a notion it's "good enough" which is also untrue. Having done rewrites on scripts by humans I can absolutely testify it's not easier or quicker to work from a shonky first draft that's full of decisions you wouldn't have made.
Please, Lord, let this be the company of the tech bro with the bitcoin lives matter hat, who I had to share a 4 hour train ride with and was on meeting calls most of the ride.
A WHAT oh my goodness my sideye sent my eyeballs through the wall to my neighbors 🤣
When I saw the blue lives stripes in gold and the bitcoin logo where the stars should be I instantly knew and hated what it meant.
Simply unbelievable 🤣🤣🤣
If you'd thrown him off the moving train I would have personally broken you out of jail.
How often do people run into AI stuff away from posting. I only ever see it in weird ads and people showing off to say look what I got AI to do.
Every corporation wants to fire 90% of their workforce and get AI to do it. That's part of what led to all the mass lay-offs earlier this year.
irl I see AI gen in stores as posters, book covers, parent's & kids magazines, health care facilities, event marketing, assets & character art in gamedev, scientific outreach & publications :/ Digitaly, the ads for sure but also guys who pretend to be eg. pencil artists, or human art contest winners
Art contests were always kinda BS tho, so I'm not *that* broken up to see them potentially fall out of favor because of this risk. 😒
They usually are "enter a lottery where you give your art rights to us so we can monetize it" so I agree. But if one chooses/has a reason to participate, the very least these contests should do is provide a fair competition.
Yeah, they should!
Pinterest used to be such a great inspiration source 🥺
Yeah… I still use it but it’s pissing me off every time I do 💩💩💩 Let’s hope this is the first sign of the tide turning
Same, I'd love for them to add an option to report/mark AI art but realistically it's not happening anytime soon. Maybe someone could at least make a browser extension that filters it.
Agreed, they need to filter the ai sewage, it's so ugly and useless 😑
I see it in videogame ads on YouTube and on free image websites. In a few videos I've seen it used to even make the packaging for art materials or the images in art books. I think AI images really tend to take up artists' spaces more than anything.
Seen it every time I Google anything, (especially refrences) YouTube users might use it as art for their video essays, and even Etsy! People sell packs of ai "art" as clip art kinda packs. It's a weird hustle.
UGH I didn't realize how bad it was until I tried to find octopus reference the other day. Had to set the search only for results before 2023.
Ooh I didn't know you could set it via date! Bummer though really especially on animal pics!!
Seen it in the cover of a local magazine for a few months now and in ads for a local bank, in their windows and stuff, online i keep seeing people in d.a. with accounts filled with ai stuff and half of it behind paywalls, so is not like theyre doing it for fun, dunno if they sell anything tho