
Here are what I consider the key points about negative views on the economy.   1. People are down on the economy 2. They’re fairly positive about their own finances 3. They’re relatively positive about their local/state economy 4. Views on the economy are extremely partisan 1/
1. My salary went up 3% this year. 2. My housing cost increased 16% 3. This is not sustainable 4. My CEO makes 21 million 5. Capitalism is making the planet uninhabitable 6. Revolution, not elections
> 6. Revolution, not elections So what have you been doing toward that end, comrade? Or is that for someone else to handle?
Rejecting capitalist candidates, organizing and educating workers in preparation for revolution, supporting anti-capitalist organizations, blocking "vote blue no matter who trolls".
how's your whole "butchering every infant and toddler in gaza" strategy going? juicing those swing state margins yet? got a bellyful of nikki haley's sloppy seconds?
And after the revolution, how do you make things better? Do you just make people do it your way at the end of a gun? Or will we still need to do the work to build broad coalitions interested in making progress?
After the re-electing your preferred genocidal warmonger, how do YOU make things better?
Sorry if my question came off as terse back there, but I think we do it largely the same way we always have. Given where the country started, we’ve made enormous progress, albeit hard won. Have we really missed a shortcut that doesn’t involve the work of winning over the opnion of large majorities?
Revolutions statistically do not result in improved conditions. Just a lot of death and maybe a change of who is in power. We need better people in politics and reform to make that feasible and possible. But that's hard work and it's easier to just flip the table and hope for the best I guess.
In the meantime priority #1 has to be to keep outright fascists out of power. If that opinion makes me a troll. Block away I guess. 🤷‍♀️
So which fascist are you opposed to? The Blue one or the Red one?
Vote your conscience, but at minimum, shouldn’t we vote for the candidates that have the better chance of advancing the interests we value? For the upcoming presidential election, the two choices will be far from equivalent. Working with or around the more democratic candidate seems a sensible move
Elections statistically do not result in improved conditions. We need to bring down the capitalist system to make a better world possible. But that's hard work and it's easier to just tell people to vote for your favored fascist candidate.
If all your going to do is trade some word around and essentially make fun of me by parroting instead of refuting the actual point then just block me and fuck off already
You initiated this non-dialogue, not me. Why are you so rude?