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A wild Michachu appeared
She / Her
Just a nerd girl.
Pro Democracy, Pro 🇵🇸, Pro 🇺🇦
Ridin with Biden
🏳️‍⚧️ & Political, Deal with it.
Opinions are my own and do not represent bla bla bla bla.
All 👏 of 👏 this 👏
Alright, enough people were liking this post that I'm gonna do it. Long thread incoming! Don't be That Person who suggests alt-med alternatives. I'm gonna start with the most serious. 1 - Metformin. This isn't complicated. I had prediabetes. Now I don't. Absent medication, diabetes kills me. 1/
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
$ sudo dnf install hopes-and-dreams
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
Trans people ten years ago: "So we're seeing a lot of right wing targeting of trans people and it's going to get worse" Cis people: "lol, whatevs stop being so dramatic" Cis people now: "omg trans people, there's a lot of right wing targeting of you, get organised!"
It's like they've been paying no attention to the way we treat immigrants in this country, they think it's going to be easier for them?
The white people I know who are talking about leaving assume that it's going to be as easy as showing up to a different country and they'll let you in. Baby, lol, no. You're monolingual and don't have a job there. They're not letting your ass stay.
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
So based on decisions from just this week, the President, as long has he has the gloss of officialdom, can basically do anything without legal restraint, whereas the President, acting via duly appointed agencies authorized by Congress, is more restrained than ever? What a coherent jurisprudence!
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
I wish Cis people would really consider the reality Trans people face right now. That we covet our anonymity because of fear of possible future arrest, that we hoard medication because of extremely legitimate fear of being denied care. We don’t have freedom of travel and face discrimination
Today the Supreme Court agreed with Richard Nixon. It isn't illegal when the President commits a crime.
That last sentence. I hate it when people either call for violence or say the whole thing needs to be burned to the ground, because even if I agree with why you have that take, there is almost never any scenario in that situation where I get to live, let alone see my conditions improve.
to be very clear, i am *not* happy that this country’s oligarchs have seemingly forgotten that electoralism is a mechanism so that we don’t boil over into violence. i’m a trans woman. the most likely outcome for me during a revolutionary conflict is that i get murdered in the streets by bigots.
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
It is okay to just list accomplishments. This administration has had many. You don’t need to preemptively apologize for your vote. We tend to think of voting as marriage in this country. It’s not. It’s public transit. You take the train that will get you closest to where you want to go. It is fine.
Getting so many spam follows it's ridiculous. @bsky.app I gotta say I am NOT a fan of your whole starter pack thing.
This is surprisingly accurate for me from what people tell me. @ripperoni.com & @juicysteak117.gay thanks for the idea Genesis and putting this together. It's neat and a fun use of the labeling service.
@ripperoni.com : love the labeler but can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to "like" to kick off the action. Help?
Wondering if I should read my morning news or not given the headlines probably going to be mainly "Panic at the DNC!"
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
Not going to jump on the dooming bandwagon. Biden is doing a decent job getting under Trump's skin and getting lots of good moments for the ads. I wish he was better defending his own record and articulating a 2nd term vision, but I'm not going to panic over this.
Sharing with my community
the anti woke crowd got to my feed store 😭
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
tl;dr: • Trump confidently posted a bunch of absolute bullshit. • Biden was slow, mumbly, and factually correct. The "stronger" performance was largely Trump. Aesthetically, harmful to Biden, definitely. I also think the electorate is more locked in than people think.
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Reposted byAvatar Michachu
Report: Nuclear War Sounds Fucking Amazing Right Now
THat said...Biden has sharpened up and Trump seems to be freaking out
I don't give a flying fuck about either of these senile old goobers golf games
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
He's doing better, and trump is just spewing half sentences together, but this is still pathetic.
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
Nothing this man does will make me not vote for him but.... JEEEEZUUZ. This is the worst debate performance I have seen from a dem, or anyone really... ever.
My sense of dread aside. Can we agree this debate at an absolute minimum is elder abuse?
Someone PLEASE PLEASE tell me this isn't as bad as I think it is. I'm sick to my stomach. Im fucking scared
Reposted byAvatar Michachu
From the magic of my DMs People like yourself is what this has all been building to. Before dawn, it gets dark. Sometimes so dark you can't see the path before you. But it's still there You have a lot of time left. Much to do. And though it may not seem like it now, most if it will be enjoyable
I have a serious problem. I have deadlines and projects and I'm so overwhelmed with work and life that any time i sit down and try to focus on work I'm bursting into tears. The past two days I've gotten off work and just gone to bed because I can't human.