
feeling unsafe and being unsafe are not the same thing
I know this wasn't your goal, but folks with PTSD might disagree.
I'm sure many would but that doesn't make them correct. In fact, them having a propensity to form incorrect beliefs on this particular point might maybe be a hint as to why "PTSD" ends with a "D".
Are you saying that there are "incorrect" feelings? ๐Ÿคจ I am definitely not seeking an argument, by the way. Just trying to understand your perspective.
I'd argue that all feelings are valid. It's the underlying belief that's false. Feelings are based on beliefs. Feeling scared because you believe you're in danger is perfectly valid, regardless of fact. It's the belief that's incorrect, not the reaction. When the belief changes, so does the feeling.
I don't think it's that simple. Like, that's clearly how it ideally works but feelings are stickier than that. They can also be the result of subconscious processing that might not be reflected in conscious, explicit beliefs.
I said beliefs, not "conscious, explicit beliefs" though. ๐Ÿ™‚ We can have buried beliefs, beliefs based on experience, beliefs based on teachings from society. And they can be true or not. Change your beliefs, change your feelings. Simple, but not easy. Esp when it feels like that belief protects us!
Okay. I concede that it's a possible usage of the word but I don't think it's helpful in this context because it transforms what seemed like a specific causal explanation - one that I would even argue is correct to a first approximation - into a quasi-tautology.
Like, what's the difference between "a buried belief" and "a feeling that doesn't seem to match an explicit belief"?
Buried belief: People X are criminals. Feeling: Fear the strange X person. Oh, but X proved herself Not a criminal. So now I can either drop the first belief and not have that fear, or I can change it to "most x..." and still be racist and afraid. Even if I explicitly believe I'm not racist.
I still think it's causal. The belief underlies the feeling. Regardless of the nature of the belief. I think it's why we sometimes have feelings we can't explain too. Because we don't understand our own beliefs well enough. And often we won't change them, even in the face of new info.