
this shit is an autoblock from me please and thank you
I very, very literally do not care where your English ancestors came from and where they went, as long as they aren't still in our lands.
‘My ancestors the soldiers who massacred tens of thousands as far away as the coast in response to the Sepoy Mutiny of 1867 in Delhi, they left England cus they were cold in winter and hungry while looking for work. The work they got was killing Indians’
Ya, sure. It was the poor who could afford safe passage across the Atlantic, not the bourgeoisie in search of new lands and peoples to exploit 🙄
What… what? Death penalty
I agree that the British system was very much a very well controlled caste system until about WW1, but this is a wild take. Yes, poor ppl left England because there was a hope of something better or different elsewhere, but that doesn't negate the fact that the 'better" was stolen from others
And I'm saying this as someone whose ancestors were, quite possibly, some of those who stole & killed. If not, they definitely benefited directly from that stealing & killing as they have been in North America since the early 1700s at least.