Dee, but not THAT Dee, the other one.

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Dee, but not THAT Dee, the other one.

40 something chaotic ADHD'er. Mostly communist. Active participant in the destruction of capitalism & patriarchy. anti-genocide.
It can be done, especially in places where a more than two party system exists.
The French left formed a coalition in THREE WEEKS and basically made every pundit look like clowns and rendered the polling almost meaningless. It is possible.
An article in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, using the conservative estimate of 4 indirect deaths in Gaza for every one direct death (in other conflicts it’s been 3-15x), calculates that Israel has killed approximately 186,000 Palestinians. That is 8% of the population of Gaza.
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
Americans, you can't just move to Canada if Trump wins. We already have a housing crisis, high unemployment, unaffordable food & utilities. Please, do not come here, especially if you are white. Stay & fight for your country.
..and now it’s time for Sunday Science..
“At least five journalists were killed in attacks by Israeli forces in the last 24 hours in Gaza as bombings and air strikes across the besieged enclave intensified.”
Five journalists killed as Israel steps up bombardment across Journalist couple Amjad Jahjouh and Wafa Abu Dabaan and their children were killed in a strike on the Nuseirat camp.
If they’re comfortable killing other people, they will eventually be comfortable killing you. You can learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way.
Awful tragic news this plane didn't land hard enough 😢
Apparently you're not allowed to laugh at this but it's fine to laugh about refugees dying on their way here
Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by is. Zoom in on the detail
Hi everyone! We are only €550 short of reaching the halfway mark of our goal. Your continued support is invaluable to us! Please visit the link to contribute: Thank you! 🙏🍉🇵🇸 #gaza #gazastrip #palestine #freepalestine #rafah #palestinewillbefree #genocide #gofundme #help #support
“I personally don’t care if you vote or not, so long as you know it changes nothing. What does change things is what you choose to do between elections. Are you educating yourself and those around you? Building a community? Practicing mutual aid? If not, now is the time.” - Krime
Re: Neil Gaiman Whether or not what happened was consensual, we can all agree that a 61 yr old "cuddling" & "making out" in a bathtub w his 23 yr old nanny on her first day in his home is predator behavior, right?
If you're in the mood to bully someone today, pick this guy. He's ableist, a bit racist, & thinks he can out lift me. Oh, & is ex-military so loves the killing of brown ppl.
How can you NOT take advantage of this ability to give more than you have? It’s a steal!
even just 5 euro, we'll put in 10! or like 3 euro, we'll put in 6! no shame in the amount, all anyone has to do is give and let me know how much!
The US presidency race is a reflection of the USA as a whole. 2 out of touch Boomer men, both not capable of doing the job, yet won't won't step back b/c they feel they deserve it & they know better.
So, is every man a creep then? B/c it sure seems like they all have a secret somewhere in the recent or not so recent past. *Sigh*
This is my friend Walaa Safi, she has paraplegia due to the war and can't afford her medications. The campaign will help Walaa buy her medications and improve. Please consider donating to help ease Walaa's life during this challenging time.❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 she deserves a better life. 🙏
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organised by Amanda Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
Its the fact he said “shouldn’t” for me. Keir Starmer said I shouldn’t have the right to womens spaces And we’re about to watch a nation celebrate this man and grant him massive power
Keir Starmer, the future prime minister, explicitly saying that trans women don’t have the right to use women’s toilets, which we have always been using, is giving the green light for people to harass us and do violence to us, as well as to cis women deemed not feminine enough. Don’t vote Labour.
Well played, Frances. Well played.
let me make this clear: not voting is a vote for trump. voting for a third party is also a vote for trump. you might think voting for biden is safe but no sorry those votes go to trump too. votes for trump himself however get stored in an unused walk in freezer at mar a lago and count toward 2028.
Hey everyone! Your unwavering support is amazing! We're just €900 away from reaching half of our goal. Your ongoing support means everything to us! Check out the link: Thanks!🙏🍉🇵🇸 #gaza #gazastrip #rafah #palestine #freepalestine #palestinewillbefree #genocide #gofundme
Double pronged attack. Wipe out Gazans & while the world is focused on that, violently steal land in the West Bank.
I’m jamal from gaza with haiah Always she sleeps by side of my leg , you can support us evacuate and rebuild our life
Noor is a mother of three currently caring for her senior parent in the active warzone of Gaza - please consider donating a little to her wellbeing! If not, please share and like for more views. Thank you!
My dear friends...there is a problem with my PayPal...but whoever can help, please help us with the wallet program, and may God bless you, my friends 🙏🫂💞
Mohammad is closing in on the goal to rescue his family from Gaza! If you can, please donate a little. If not, please share and like for more reach. Thank you!
Hey everyone! Your unwavering support is amazing! We're just €900 away from reaching half of our goal. Your ongoing support means everything to us! Check out the link: Thanks!🙏🍉🇵🇸 #gaza #gazastrip #rafah #palestine #freepalestine #palestinewillbefree #genocide #gofundme
A lot of you "liberals" condescending to lefties really need to understand politics & how your electoral system works before you spout off. You're embarassing yourselves.
I have some kind of tummy illness that means I can't be away from a toilet for more than 10 times.
If it's a crime to be homeless then paying an hourly wage that is insufficient to pay for housing means you're an accessory at a minimum
Ben Gvir "urged the passing of the bill in the Israeli Knesset for executing prisoners, saying they should be given just enough food to keep them alive until the law is enacted." There are thousands of "prisoners" in these torture camps.
Ben Gvir calls for execution of Palestinian prisoners with 'shot in the head' Israel is holding almost 10,000 Palestinians in its prisons and detention camps, where torture is widespread