
I only know you insofar as having followed you on a niche microblogging website for a few months, but I feel like I have a pretty solid understanding of these elements of your "backstory" lol. I don't think it's at all out of the ordinary?
You see, white Americans cannot fathom a mixed race person of more than 2 points of ethnic heritage to begin with. But bluntly, Ramza is a dude I follow online because he makes me laugh. People who equate any followship to idolization or political grifting are just consumed with brainrot.
I'm Bangladeshi, but we're at the crossroads of the world. My dad speaks Urdu, his family has strong connections to Pakistan, and I lived in Japan and majored in Japanese.
I never made it a secret
For more context: the person is also referencing a common smear aimed at Ramza. His name is Arabic, because he was raised Muslim. Ramza has never once pretended to be Arab or implied he was Arab. He feels a brotherhood for his fellow Muslim siblings, and it’s Islamophobic to judge him for that
racevestigation is always unhinged shit every time
jesus fuckin christ i really need people to stop just encouraging manic harassment behavior. this is several levels beyond needing to log off. you can't simply accuse people of being fake poor if you are actively able to talk shit on the internet for hours. that is already a privilege.
idk man its just crazy that people think i'm willing to die on just anyone's sword on the internet in the first place, but this shit is just unrepentant and caustic behavior that more resembles a toddler having a tantrum than a person. also i've never seen you ask for money for yourself even once.
i wouldn't and i haven't
i'm not poor. i'm not rich though.
How dare you live a moderately comfortable life! If I verbally accost you online with enough smears, maybe someone will pity me enough to give me their money even though that NEVER WORKS! Nobody gets a monopoly on suffering and you aren't any more entitled to survival than any. Make peace with it.
tbh people who use their gender as a catch-all to try and keep score on a scale of oppression will never make me feel anything but pity and frustration. im over it