✨brit ✨

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✨brit ✨


harm reductionist & counselor, advocate, member of young widow club - once featured in Bon Appétit magazine. views are my own; smarter + funnier than you.

discord: bculpsapp

📍MPLS | 37 | she/they
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honestly, medieval art set the gold standard & AI could never.
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Reposted byAvatar ✨brit ✨
bwusky ewduh fweedom caucus
Fweedom is worse than bluesky elder send skeet
gm death to america & it’s wutang wednesday so life as a shorty shouldn’t be so rough 😤👐
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Some Jewish people are Indigenous to Palestine- but most are not. Zionism is a 150 year old colonial project that had nothing to do with Indigenous claims (hence why they looked at Argentina and Madagascar and Syria and a bunch of other places first)
Reposted byAvatar ✨brit ✨
LIKE for birthday 🎂 SHARE for soldier 🫡 COMMENT for poor 🥺
clocking in and peeking at the various census lists & saw a chief complaint for “in a situation” with someone and… yeah, that’s relatable.
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I am become the ouroborussy, chomper of butts
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Reposted byAvatar ✨brit ✨
because this is fucking frightening, babies adorable. wtf.
bwusky ewduh fweedom caucus
Fweedom is worse than bluesky elder send skeet
siri: how late is too late to rename a cat?
if you got the song stuck in your head, good — so did i
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i'd like to thank bing image creator for taking absolute gibberish and giving me my new favorite character, Benis Pemps.
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Blocked within five seconds but if I have to have this man’s face saved on my phone I’m going to get my use out of it
Reposted byAvatar ✨brit ✨
going to facebook and posting sexually explicit minion memes is praxis
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I think Joe Biden should step down and allow Dianne Feinstein to run instead
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this could be in reply to so many of my posts
silence witch
it’s called a dyson
has anyone ever invented a butt plunger, like a little plunger for your hole, as a cure for constipation?
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death to america
Reposted byAvatar ✨brit ✨
thank you for putting every cause you support in your bio i also support black rights queer rights trans rights antifascism bodily autonomy neurodiversity landback and raw milk but i see you’ve neglected sloth rescue and your silence on this vital issue speaks volumes about your character so BLOCKED
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When you fall out of a coconut tree and suddenly realize you’re in the K Hive.
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You 🫵😵 stepped in 🕳️🏃 the shit 💩 numbnuts. 😹🍒 This 👽 is what 😱👈 happens when you 🤪 step 🦶 in the 👶 shit... 🔫😔 you become 🫡 total 🌎 content 🅱️ because 🤔 we're 👋 all 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 seeing 👀 you 🤣 show 📺 your whole 😩 ass. 🍑 Alas this 😡⬇ is 🤭 now 🙅⌛ social media 😋📱 and especially Bluesky 🦋🌤️ works. 👷📋 You're welcome. 🤝
y’all this is weird & honestly really fucking annoying to do. also like — boundaries! sometimes people on here just bitch into the abyss about shit like how frustrating various health issues are; it’s not a cue for suggesting more water or essential oils or whatever.
did u know if you restrict replies so people won't give you unsolicited medical advice, they will just @ you to do it anyway?
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Didn’t realize how sad this sounded until I’d already hit send.
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sometimes a post will go viral because a big account reposts it and sometimes because a lot of smaller accounts do. this is the difference between fake hits and big naturals