
Blackrock CEO : as a billionaire i think the only way to shore up retirement and social security is for people to work into their 70s Press : so there’s no other option Billionaire : none that comes to mind
A solution to the retirement crisis? Americans should work for more years, BlackRock CEO BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said that longer life expectancies are "putting the U.S. retirement system under immense strain."
We made the mistake of helping these fukkers off the floor in 2008. Should have swept them into the dustbin instead. Next time...
and they’re convinced that it was their own efforts that saved them
Oh, I don't think so. They KNOW that they survived at OUR expense. And they are LAUGHING about it, because they know that if shit happens, they will do it again. As for us, we bend over, and yell BOHICA!!!