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I did not get ejected by the night manager of Waffle House, we mutually agreed to part ways after being unable to come to an agreement

same handle on discord

Dad / sentient sandwich / chronic doomscroller / cishet / he/him/bro
Reposted byAvatar hammancheez
Organized religion is bullshi-
AidewhisperinginBushsearabout911.jpg Sir we’ve come up with names for this year’s armed forces collectable swimsuit calendars
ground beef implies the existence of air beef and sea beef
Reposted byAvatar hammancheez
If your cock has not yet been gobbled stay in line
There goes Jimmy Two Knives dont fuck with him, they’ll say
Best self-defense advice I've heard is "carry two knives," because a lot of people carry a knife for self-defense but the only person who'd carry two is some sort of crazy knife-lover you'd better not mess with.
What an absolute dogshit oped lmao After 14 years of destruction Labour could have run a potato and won It had nothing to do with Keir Starmers presumed steely eyed brilliance as he bravely went all in on anti trans anti Semitic tropes Maybe he can afford veneers now tho
Opinion | How Keir Starmer overwhelmed Britain’s Conservativeswapo.st People looking for “change” would do well to follow the Labour leader’s example.
When the Left loses an election: we must now moderate to the center When the Right loses an election : we should have promised them camps and the abolition of all healthcare and education services
Election year in which everyone agrees the fate of America is on the line with a fork in the road in which a bad choice leads to an apocalyptic future NYT : we’re gonna publish an op ed from a christofascist saying “i dont vote and nor should you” and not check if he lied about not voting
Reposted byAvatar hammancheez
Blackrock CEO : as a billionaire i think the only way to shore up retirement and social security is for people to work into their 70s Press : so there’s no other option Billionaire : none that comes to mind
A solution to the retirement crisis? Americans should work for more years, BlackRock CEO sayswww.cbsnews.com BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said that longer life expectancies are "putting the U.S. retirement system under immense strain."
Trump: Biden has to be in bed by 8pm but I promise to America I will sleep 3 hours a night in order to fit in the amount of raping stealing and murdering we need to get done to fix this country NYT : Trump promises a robust presidential ambition
Danziger bridge but its with nations
this is the right wing movement we get with a little migration and inflation. what does it look like when climate change really starts to bite
Remember you can’t flip off traffic without fingers, stay safe
And now for the traditional July 4th blessing: Happy Independence Day, may you end the day with as many fingers as you began it with.
Press : Mr President what do you have to say to your base Biden : first of all i pledge to do everything in my power to undermine your attempts to get people to vote for me Press : i mean we’re doing that already but we appreciate the assist haha Biden : haha
NYT : Biden is tired Netanyahu : should we just annex the entire west bank lmao
Governors : we need biden to show energy and resolve Biden : im so tired haha Trump, on ketamine and meth, at 3am : *45 manic posts in all caps*
We’ve gone from “who do you want answering the 2am call” To “I’m eepy”
I guess that’s one way to get rear ended in public
All these people are literally cosplaying the 3rd reich while gooning over Bavarian tradwife memes in their discord And they’re going to be put in charge of federal govt
Hopefully someone will check the Michigan voter file to see if it is true that this lad does not vote
Beer or eating the dead, you decide
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of a cracked cold one
I dunno yall As a UK/US dual citizen I have always enjoyed the july 4 redcoat punching memery But its feelin a lil desperate and hollow today ngl
Subwoofers? No, submewers
these kittens have no respect for vintage audio equipment
Trump announces Prince William as VP pick, declares “its time to return to our great roots”
Renaming Independence Day to King George Day
Hammering this fucking sign “Its already baked into his support” SO IS BIDEN LOOKING LIKE THE CRYPTKEEPER YOU BELTWAY BASTARD FUCKS
It's pretty interesting what the media decides is front page news and what they don't decide is front page news! Trump being a child sex abuser with close connections to Jeffrey Epstein somehow doesn't merit the same coverage as "unnamed Dem insider has concerns about Biden's age"
Puff piece so strong its about to turn into a magic dragon
the consolidated, center-right billionaire owned press continues to shift the editorial overton window rightward and if you can't see it you're either complicit or oblivious
RFK Jr came to your house and pointed at your dead dog and said “yo are u gonna finish that”
The year is 2024. Nobody can afford meat. Women are only for breeding now. There’s an appeal to heaven flag at your obgyn office. A door fell off an airplane and killed your dog. Happy Independence Day
Clearly all Biden needs to do is save his game, try something, and if it doesn’t work just reload and go again