
the thing about all the pedos and zoos on bluesky trying to obscure their behavior with "but it's art!" is that taboo topics aren't inherently bad to fantasize about, but the moment it starts reflecting real-world desires and actions? that's the line. you cross it, you need to get help.
Except fiction IS FANTASY YOU FUCKWIT Yall are acting like a drawing of something is the action itself and it's not For fucks sake you reviews movies all the time how can you have this much trouble distinguishing fantasy and reality
please read the second post in the thread, thank you.
I did It doesnt address my point in the slightest
your behavior of actively aiding, abetting, and apologizing for certified pedophiles is bad, yes.
Except its not Because pedophile and child molester are not the same thing Criminalizing people just for their thoughts is fucking wrong People who have commited no ACTUAL ACTIONS AGAINST ANYONE dont deserve to be labelled as abusers for committing fucking thoughtcrime
There's a pretty big difference between "Criminalized for their thoughts" and not supporting the normalization of an attraction to a being incapable of consent. Making that a persons identity, to the point of putting it in their bios is not a neutral act
I have a degree of empathy for most people, and I honestly think its a courageous act to admit to oneself that they have inclinations towards negative or dangerous things and go to therapy or at the least reflect heavily on ways to minimize those aspects. But that's not what's happening here.
Look im done with discourse for the sake of my mental health hat feeling an attraction isnt something we control Whether or not to act on it IS and THAT is where abuse happens not within the minds of people determined to never act on them I empathize with THEM NOT those who commit abuse or WANT to
I actually agree with you, at least half way. I also think it's entirely down to how someone acts that matters. To me, the act of congragating on internet communities and making it a core part of ones identity (and not in a support-group like manner either) is the point at which it becomes enabling.
If someone makes both the fact they are like this, AND being vocally anti abuse a core part of their identity then I'd call it "example setting" personally And by congregating socially, they can hold each other accountable Be even more enforcement of preventing abuse
That sounds great in theory but I've been around the furry block a few times and, as a community, I do not believe that amongst the 'zoo friendly' telegrams and more broadly the community does all that much to hold them accountable when it repeatedly other furries that have to expose this stuff
The only real instance that comes to mind of the community actually doing that is I think the person who leaked the zoosadist list anonymously like 5 years back identified themselves as a zoophile. Even then I remember who the defenders were, and the people who harrassed Dogpatch for outing ppl
the person who leaked the zoosadist list literally had a blackmail kink and never leaked his own messages, and there have even been people who got covered for in those leaks. he's a performative fuckhead who Buddha-posts on main, not to be trusted.
Thanks for the hugely valuable context, I guess when even my best attempt at trying to scrape some benefit of the doubt are so ick themselves kinda goes to prove the point even more.
also the person you're talking to, yen, has defended people who listen to a zoophile podcast + they currently follow open zoophiles (i'd know, i run a zoophile mute list with publicly accessible evidence!)
I'm aware of that bit I saw a post about it earlier, but it is relevant to bring up, because it does reinforce the fact that the 'community' is not as vigilant as claimed to be and also leads to enabling behavior.
yeah. not at all. there are licensed therapists who work with people who have paraphilias who they could confide in, but they confide in strangers who convince to do harmful things. there could be a support system here, but the community makes for an enabling environment
THISSSSS this this this. this is Exactly why this shit is infuriating to me. you dont need to form a group online to make your problems WORSE
it becomes an echo chamber of bad ideas and 'coping mechanisms' that literally only lead to your problems getting worse and 9.9 times out of 10 lead to you seeking out that kind of shit in real life
I thought id never hear that podcast name again 💀💀