Kill Your Gods

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Kill Your Gods

I'm a bitch who probably doesn't like you
she/they bi ΘΔ
CSA survivor
If you equate hentai to what happened to me, block me, go outside, and play in traffic

e: 9/12/23
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drink water fuckers and nonfuckers bitches and sluts and whores too and dolls and def pets (:
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what's the mental illness where you keep scrolling instead of packing a damn bowl already
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hey can I get some help ? I over drafted due too having too get groceries. So I’m back at $0. I fucking hate myself for asking but I need help so bad. Please help me. If u got $5 too spare please send it my way. I feel miserable rn. Thank you 💸💕 #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest
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selling porn to pay my bills! selling porn to survive! hello hi i'm a disabled single parent in med school, have been a survival sex worker for 3 years and could really use the support of my social media peers in uplifting my work. 🧡🖤
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Please help my friend get teeth fixed
Hey I dont like to ask for help on here but my top left wisdom tooth had a huge chunk of its enamel broke off yesterday and I've been in enough pain since that I'm going to a dental college tomorrow to get it fixed, it'll be cheaper but I am completely broke rn any help would be GREATLY appreciated
Hey I dont like to ask for help on here but my top left wisdom tooth had a huge chunk of its enamel broke off yesterday and I've been in enough pain since that I'm going to a dental college tomorrow to get it fixed, it'll be cheaper but I am completely broke rn any help would be GREATLY appreciated
I FINALLY GETTING MY WISDOM TOOTH DEALT WITH TOMORROW a huge chunk of it chipped off so now like 1/3 of the enamels gone leaving lots and lots razor sharp edges to stab my mouth all the time just DEEP far back in my gums going to a dental college for reduced cost but I have NO MONEY so FUCK
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Someone dealing with a paraphilia -can- commit harm, but it needs to be treated as a person by person basis like we do with literally every other kind of person. You don’t have to like them or be friends with them but you don’t get to abuse, harass, stalk, or kill anyone because you don’t like them.
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I’m gonna say it: Paraphiles who haven’t hurt or abused anyone deserve community and don’t deserve to be accused of crimes they haven’t committed because of whatever paraphilia they’re dealing with. Paraphile, zoophile, pedophile are not synonymous with rapist/abuser. (1)
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Literally every corporation at Pride will find a way to make a profit off our bones if the government tommorow declared that trans people needed to be collected and incarcerated for the safety of children, society, and the human race. Target would sell tee shirts about it.
Think about how our for-profit prisons are literally the end result of trying to get money to lock people and barely keep them alive. Think of how IBM got a lot of money to make a people spring algorithm for the Nazis, how Henry Ford sold cars to the Nazis. Google would sell us all for a dollar.
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It also outlines the need to cut off federal funding for any school that teaches "critical race theory," in the same breath. So, teach history the jingoistic way we demand or don't get funding. And erase queer people or we will pursue legal action.
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Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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I'm pretty sure it's to prevent people from finding the article when they search for it. Now, if you search Google for anything relating to Israel, disabled people, and dogs, you'll find the first story, instead of any articles about Mohammed Bhar.
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*ahem* Bsky has a racism and transmisogyny problem cuz, what exactly did we say to warrant this many in such a short time? lmao
Gods i hope the cunts™️ never get to inkbunny
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People who think you should go to jail for lolicon are pro rape. They are asking for innocent people, many of whom are CSA survivors, to be put in prison and branded as pedophiles, where they are likely to be raped and murdered.
If you think the possession, distribution or creation of cub, loli or shota porn should result in arrests and prison time?.. How does that boot taste? Have you ever considered not being a cop loving fascist? 🤷‍♀️
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If you think the possession, distribution or creation of cub, loli or shota porn should result in arrests and prison time?.. How does that boot taste? Have you ever considered not being a cop loving fascist? 🤷‍♀️
And besides? It's just such a fucked up thing to believe? How does criminalizing lolicon protect kids? Especially given how often cops are caught sexually abusing minors? Supporting state funded rapists in arresting people for fictional crimes against fictional children? What's wrong with you?
today fucking sucks hardcore already wow
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you lock the door. closing shifts are getting harder, these days. the weed is messing with your sleep again. she keeps telling you that. the pawn shop across the street is still lit up, for some reason. the neon sign advertising death inside, at competitive prices. you hear an owl. you do not see it
Hopes and Dreams Bowdon, GA
Guys if someone tells you that a word you call them is a slur against their identity You do not get to decide if its "actually" a slur or not It's not your identity being fucking targeted It's no different than transfems not wanting to be called "traps"
my fucking wisdom tooth that was chipped and breaking tiny tiny bits at a time just fucking exploded and now a third of the outer layer is just gone and im freaking out so fucking much rn i dont have fucking insurance why the fuck did i start smoking meth why did i fucking do this tomyself
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Trans teenagers all over the country are contemplating unexisting right now because they are not allowed to be who they are + I'm seeing people saying "I don't think I can cope today" because *checks notes* England lost a football tournament. Like fucking listen to yourselves??
It's a ball game. Honestly if this is what you have to wallow about, then you need a serious reality check and recalibration of perspective.
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And transmasc discourse, too. "Oh look this one trans man was a fascist that means transmascs are fair game" shut the hell upppp Benjanun you're not even trans
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Oh god no can we please not use terminology to draw distinctions between transitioning and non-transitioning trans people. Especially not while claiming that enbies are holding us back. Please don't do this the fascists are having an easy enough time as it is
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Once again, your periodic reminder that Benjanun Sriduangkaew / Requires Hate / Winterfox is not a safe person to confide in and is targeting young and inexperienced trans writers who may not be aware of their history of extremely toxic behaviour. It is not safe to interact with this person.
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It seems new people are finding Benjanun Sriduangkaew, aka Maria Ying, who is also Winterfox/Requires Hate, and who is a serial harasser and stalker. I am linking to a rundown of their history, from Livejournal days through now, of harming others. Block and do not engage. Share vetted sources.
The Lady of Winterfox attempts to spin her behavior now by saying that she wrote negative reviews as Requires Hate. And it's true that she wrote very negative reviews of SFF she didn't like. That in itself would�...
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If this is about Benjanun Sriduangkaew she was liking posts that called trans men “zippertits” this year
And yet in SF/F people are still blacklisting a certain writer for comments she made on LJ 20 years ago.