
i don't normally make statements when we list people, but we're adding ollie/artsypawz to the zoophile mute list. this comes after months of deliberation, not just on my part, but the rest of my team and some of ollie's former friends. šŸ§µ
last night, ollie knowingly interacted with an open zoophile, shugunou/shugunouAD:
this wasn't the first time they've interacted with an open zoophile. in november, they knowingly interacted with arlaux, who, at the time, identified as an open zoophile:
additionally, they've suggested multiple times across multiple accounts that people who identify as zoophiles are not abusers, going as far back as september of last year:
it's our belief that while paraphiles aren't inherently abusers, participating in the wider zoophile community enables the cycle of abuse, even for anti-contact zoophiles. you should seek support from therapists who specialize in paraphilias, not people who normalize animal sexual abuse. /end
Thank you for doing this heika, I appreciate you and your team
what the fuck is a "anti-contact" version of this manner of fuckery, I've never heard anyone use this term in this contact before.
people being attracted to them but not physically offending
Wow holy shit, he really was doing all this shit under the noses of everyone that cared for them what a disgusting piece of shit
I'm finding the irony in this fucking delicious to be honest...
man I am so glad I set the list to block because seeing these people talk like this makes my blood boil. "I personally decide not to engage in beastiality because of my own framework" well whoopdie fucking doo you're still a freak, fix your shit thanks again for your dedication to the list heika
Reading the words ā€œIā€™m an open (anti contact) MAPā€ makes me want to spontaneously combust
Yeah, I didn't realise any of this was going on then because...there was just *so much shit* being flung around it made things extremely confusing. Very regrettable to see this turn of events.
A lot of us had these people blocked, and Bluesky doesn't often show us interactions our mutuals are having with blocked accounts (which is generally a good thing!) but it also hides stuff like this.
Oh 100% I'm barely online and Ollie muddied the waters so much I could only step back and watch. Dude is a manipulator through and through.
Heard all the shit they stirred up but didn't imagine they were a zoo/zoo supporter. Sad to see, but good riddance.
that set of posts with the "nuance" towards zeta accounts was my first point of conflict with him. Funny how that was literally one day before the shitstorm with hugo started. I hate this. I hate this.
yup. I remember he had a jonesing for blood when the whole KF issue was the hot topic and kept ragging the list over and over again. Was insufferable. Suppose that should have been a warning on its own.
Wait, is this the Ollie that started beef with people for no reason?
Holy shit. Like something was off about them, but never anticipated this
truly tragic that it came to this, but they've definitely brought it up on themselves. i hope they inevitably get the assistance they so clearly need.
I always thought they gave kinda wierd vibes tbh..