
Dora Richter, the first trans woman to have SRS, was long thought to have been killed by the Nazis. But a German magazine has tracked down records showing she lived into her 70s and died peacefully near Nuremberg in the 1960s. Fucking amazing. No English source yet, sorry
I almost corrected this account because reports were that she was murdered in the sacking of the institute. TURNS OUT: That's wrong. Historians last year found the original baptismal register in her hometown that registered an official name change in 1946: SHE LIVED.
Was wurde aus Dora? Dora Richter war die erste Person, die eine vollständige Geschlechtsangleichung erfahren hat. Ihr Weg als Patientin ist gut dokumentiert. Wer sie war, ist hingegen weitestgehend unklar. Ihre Spur verw...
Dora ging nach Bö Vor einem Jahr fragte rbb|24, was aus Dora Richter wurde – der ersten Person, die eine Geschlechtsangleichung erfuhr. Ihre Spur verlor sich im Berlin der dreißiger Jahre. Nun steht fest: Dora überlebt...
my German is not great, but in short, she returned to her village in Czechoslovakia before the war, updated her baptismal record, then was admitted to West Germany as a refugee after the war and issued papers as Dora. Then she just lived a quiet life in a little village. hell fuckin yeah
translation mine: A few older people in the town remembered her and her brother... She was seldom seen without her handbag. She always had a pigeon sitting in it. Like a nest. Now and then she would drop in some food, said several more people in the village. Dora Richter was often in a good mood.
lmk if you need some translation help, but so far you've been flawless
reading German is easy, it follows all the rules! speaking it? well...
I read a journal article recently called "Trans Liminality in the Nazi State" about the life of a trans woman who had socially transitioned in the 30s before Hitler came to power, and basically the Nazis didn't know what to do with her and basically tried to make her into a productive worker.
let's fucking go 😭 definitely including this in my video on trans history
Aaaaand I'm crying. Thank you so much for sharing this 💕
yet another reason to be happier today than i was yesterday
Thank you for this!!!
Das Leben von Dora wäre einen Film wert! Unglaublich, was sie alles erlebt und überstanden hat!