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Dad, library user, transgender, cyclist.
Reposted byAvatar rubices
my fitbit notifies me every time my heart rate is elevated by buzzing and telling me “keep going, youre earning zone minutes” which is very funny when it is because i am just angry at something i read online
Reposted byAvatar rubices
Do I *sound* like I was socialized to you? I read the encyclopedia instead of having friends.
Not sure of the parameters of good behavior when I relate to posts like and . Surely diving in the comments to go "men, too!" ain't it. Make my own posts, I think.
What I love is when people make expansive, transmisogynist statements about what trans women are like, then they and all their friends freak out and call us privileged when we push back or razz them a little. Oh no, the undermenschen are touching me!
I love every haircut day a little bit more, now
Avatar - I just finished this novel you wrote, and it wrapped up my months-long focused search for an ownvoices trans masculine novel that I like. Thank you!!! This matters very much to me.
Future Feeling hasn't arrived yet, but I found my first such book! It's The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo.
Oldie but goodie from
I know people are saying not to spread conspiracy theories right now, but I would like to read them.
Me: " 's on a date with her boyfriend. Remember how Joanna has one husband, who is me, and one boyfriend, who is (redacted)?" Six year old: (nods in comprehension) "But then who's her girlfriend?"
My wife and I are t4t. These are Blahaj (hers) and Toothless (mine). I had sensory issues with the teeth. Body pillows for us, shark attack game pieces for our kids.
"Oh, that's such a cute outfit. What's your blåhaj's name?"
I recognize all four of the names attached to this, they're good folks and I'm excited to give it a listen
Highly recommend this Maintenance Phase two-parter. Part 2 spends most of the runtime explaining why the Cass Review is so shoddy. Pamela Paul of course doesn't if the work is shoddy since it provides a wedge she can lean on to reinforce the point she wanted to make regardless.
"Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria" Part 1: The Cooties Theory of Transgender Identity - Maintenance Thanks to Jules Gill-Peterson ( and Julia Serano ( for help researching this episode and Evan Urquhart and Parker Molloy for fact-checking!Support us:Hear bon...
me, on day 5 of 4 planned days solo parenting around the clock
mmhmm mhmm totally oh wow that's crazy anyway who are you and where am I
because I'm very tired all the time I accidentally checked out 's book, Boys Weekend, from the library after (and independent of) following them here a few weeks ago it's a really good book I love that I made it to the 2020s and now we're writing about us 🩷🩵🩷
Left: paper from a year of 3K, after recycling some and putting in a folder Right: paper from a year of kindergarten, before and after recycling / folderizing
Message to past @rubices : Stop believing in ontologically basic "trans people" & worrying about if you are one. Believe in "people who transition" & that you can do that. You don't have to already look or act like a man. HRT will change how you look, social recognition will change how you act.
I had a revolving closet door. The classic presentation gatekeepers used to require - called myself he/him & rejected dresses age three, the works - but when I learned about trans and said it was me, people said no. Cue 20 years "wish I could be trans, too bad I'm just a girl who wants to be a man"
Avatar is on a plane and she can see *notifications* from Bluesky, but can't see the content of any posts or post herself 😆 I would be a bad spouse if I suggested this was a good opportunity to troll her
Reposted byAvatar rubices
Insert a chorus of "this would fix me"
Mean girls bullying u but only because they want u in their polycule
Reposted byAvatar rubices
Of course I acknowledge some people think this is a failure and winning needs to be a revolution instead of assimilation but frankly I have very low expectations that revolution ends with CPAP supplies & metformin being available, power being reliable, and a lack of pogroms.
I came out to the neighborhood by showing up in girl mode to the 4th July block party and nobody even blinked! I hung out with the moms as a girl who's Dad, nobody had a problem with it and we're gonna arrange playdates with the kids because that's what's important!! THIS IS WHAT WINNING LOOKS LIKE.
I found out the real reason dolls live in NYC, they'll tell you it's "relatively accepting and safe" or talk about the "culture and community" but it's really
A really good mundane thing: in 2020 someone's hand washing detergent for delicates (16 floz, 8 washes) got misdelivered to me, and for the last four years I've been using that same bottle to pinch-hit hand-wash single items that need to be cleaned right now, or don't deserve starting a whole load
Hot women's bodies can be created out of unremarkable male bodies and vice versa :D Trans guys relate to transition in different ways - some guys have the mirror image of OP, fear that they won't be hot enough as men. I was afraid my distinctly female hotness would never go away. But it did!
likewise, seeing what testosterone does for my trans masc friends!! HRT of all sorts is so magical 🏳️‍⚧️🥰🏳️‍⚧️
Reposted byAvatar rubices
Your honor, with all due respect, some of them want to be abused.
Your honor, with all due respect, I drove my chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.
My wife and I transitioned because it's good for our children to have an educated woman in tech role model + a nurturing dad who carries the mental load I *guess* doing it the other way around was an option, but I found Learn Python The Hard Way too intimidating so here we are
I transitioned because when I admitted my writing has sex in it my aunts demanded I share links and my uncles fled the room.
Reposted byAvatar rubices
loving a trans girl is so special. all the things about them that will eventually disappear as they become happier and everything they want to be- you get to love those things too but quietly. and fall more in love with what replaces it. like being obsessed with every stage of a sunrise.
every day, I log on to this web site and
Reposted byAvatar rubices
reskeeting this from my sickbed
I really hate having just like-- missed the entire month of pride because I was busy or sick or exhausted from obligations I've taken on, or a Kool Kombo of these. I guess I don't have anything else to add to that!
Reposted byAvatar rubices
Bear in mind: the HIV the US sees is a different strain from what basically the rest of the world sees. And both have not gotten one jot milder. Untreated, it still has 90% mortality within 10 years.
Reposted byAvatar rubices
HIV is still just as deadly as it was in the 80's. Treatment is the reason why now you can live for 40 years with it, instead of 4. Without that treatment, it will kill you just like it did 40 years ago.
she sunk her cost on my phallussy
Avatar has become less to place me since I tried it several years ago! CA, OR, WA ages 0-25; last few years NYC. Also slowly acquiring 's Midlands UK accent over the last eight years 😅