
we are at a little bit of a quandary as to what happens if they discontinue our autistic son’s favorite yogurt, which appears to be happening. I have become keenly interested in a society that continue to whatever funny little thing people need and also some justice
i mean an actual revolution would kill millions just from the collapse of all government services, to say nothing of sectarian conflict and pogroms. a lot of social media revolutionaries might just die. many would. i think it’s worth avoiding if we can!
feel free to substitute yogurt with glasses or insulin or electricity or social security checks
we think we found a substitute if it does happen. he eats other things. we’ll be fine. but people’s lives are fragile.
i think electing trump is going to create a lot of yogurt problems, and a lot of actual injustice, and thus that is something to be avoided
Your right. His upcoming speech: “Greek yogurt is for losers, real Americans only eat American foods many people are saying, yet Biden let in these communist foreign yogurts from countries no one’s ever heard of, no one’s ever seen anything like it, terrible. Sad! Make American Yogurt Great Again!”
What yogurt does he eat? My son is not autistic but has had food issues since we started integrating that so I feel you on needing specific brands etc. Biggest worry about my upcoming trip is what my kid is going to eat.
lidl or aldi greek yogurt in lime or coconut. whole foods sells something similar, although it is far away from us
Oh that sounds delicious! The local Aldi's are too far from us to go frequently so I rarely go. Whole Foods, too. Have you called/written to voice a complaint? Our grocery stopped selling the one bread my son would eat and I end up having to drive to a farther HEB to get it. but I can freeze those