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Former historian, current stay at home dad. just a clod of the common earth

Posting plant pics on Insta @ctznbotany
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🌼 ozark tassel-rue 🌿 Trautvetteria applanata genus has unusual distribution: major population centers in far east russia & japan, pacific nw, and the appalachians. + a few widely disseminated populations outside those areas #nativeplants #flowerreport
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Reposted byAvatar Huichilobos
we are at a little bit of a quandary as to what happens if they discontinue our autistic son’s favorite yogurt, which appears to be happening. I have become keenly interested in a society that continue to whatever funny little thing people need and also some justice
i mean an actual revolution would kill millions just from the collapse of all government services, to say nothing of sectarian conflict and pogroms. a lot of social media revolutionaries might just die. many would. i think it’s worth avoiding if we can!
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Reposted byAvatar Huichilobos
🇧🇷Capitão-de-bigode-limão 🌎Eubucco richardsoni Ave da família Capitonidae, também chamado de capitão-verde. 📷 Marco Guedes
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‘allergies’: nerd coded, medical, ubiquitous ‘bane’: fantasy coded, metal, personal
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jacob rees-mogg
Orcs speak a kind of British working class patois. Orcs are British. Someplace there is a yet more evil orc that speaks Oxford English
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MTV, I am Werner Herzog and this is my crib. It is but temporary refuge from nature's fury. The walls were once trees. I made them traitors.
‘allergies’: nerd coded, medical, ubiquitous ‘bane’: fantasy coded, metal, personal
forcibly removed from the state of california for telling the truth: ‘the bay area’ refers to tampa and environs
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Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
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Now that Congress will have to more expertly write rules after Chevron, uncapping the house will allow more experts across multiple industries to have the potential to be elected.
For real though it sucks that Britain, a damp rock the size of one of my city's medium sized parks, has a legislature with more representatives than the United States. We deserve better.
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Turning and turning in the widening gyro
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NO WAIT oh my god this one is the greatest of all time and it is still up! is gangster for life
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
remember when odo fucked his mom
finally watching the end of the last season of deep snakes nine
finally watching the end of the last season of deep snakes nine
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there is a newish pbs documentary about new excavations at Pompeii and it is excellent. I have been watching it bit by bit because it has subtitles and I mostly watch tv while doing chores.
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People on Napster will wrongly attribute anything. 'Weird Al did this subpar parody.' No he didn’t. That isn’t true.
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Reposted byAvatar Huichilobos
they invaded appalachia at least three times, which is not a lot, but more than you would think. they made it all the way to Saltville, Virginia once
for professional reasons, item 5 is hilarious to me. those assholes do be periodically showing up in Appalachia.
Reposted byAvatar Huichilobos
I have been listening to a zelda replay podcast*, and right now they are working on Majorca’s Mask. Besides Ikana Canyon in this game, and the Paths of the Dead in LOTR, are there other depictions of whole societies of the damned?
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in my most neurotypical move yet, I bought a different colored switch for the garbage disposal in the new house
now I understand how to buy esoteric screws when the provided ones suck and I have reached godlike levels of dad power
learned about screw diameters today. we also got a new porch light and I broke a screw.
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I don’t really miss Twitter as it is today, but I do think about that one time I asked Taika Waititi about Thucydides and his Thor script a lot.
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Reposted byAvatar Huichilobos
Reposted byAvatar Huichilobos
All of the other *sgili* dancers are funny, but not the grey-faced *sgili* of smallpox, wrapped in his funeral shroud and wearing a white man's tricorn.