Helen Cox

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Helen Cox


Ageing hippie, writer, lecturer, gardener, cat-slave, socialist tofu-eating wokerati eco-freak history anorak - see more on www.herstorywriting.com & helenraerants.wordpress.com
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Reposted byAvatar Helen Cox
If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
Reposted byAvatar Helen Cox
SPECIAL OFFER! Kitty & Bear say, 'Buy our Ooman's funny little book about #cats & she'll donate £1/copy to Henry's Haven Cat Rescue in memory of our late mate Henry Wowler.' Only £4.99 exclusively from York Bookshop - yorkbookshop.com/humour/166-h...
SPECIAL OFFER! Kitty & Bear say, 'Buy our Ooman's funny little book about #cats & she'll donate £1/copy to Henry's Haven Cat Rescue in memory of our late mate Henry Wowler.' Only £4.99 exclusively from York Bookshop - yorkbookshop.com/humour/166-h...
Dear Blueple: please watch this & think about reducing your carb intake/eating more nutritious alternatives. Body put me on tofu/raw veg & fruit detox diet, all I could stomach, & I soon sussed it had been gluten/carbs/sugar sensitivity making me so ill... www.facebook.com/reel/1527274...
Dr. Peter Glidden growing number of anti-depressant prescriptions....www.facebook.com Dr. Peter Glidden growing number of anti-depressant prescriptions. #antidepressants #mineraldeficiency #minerals #inflammation #glutenfree
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Good Morning Blue Friends ☀️☕️ Happy Thursday!! Democrats need to come together and get behind President Biden. It’s 116 days until the election. All of us needs to vote to be sure this failure below doesn’t have the chance to destroy us. That’s what he intends to do. #VoteBidenHarris2024
@manufacturedtulpa.bsky.social Re your magpie: cheeky juvenile raised largely on scraps from Foxy-cat's patio picnics came tap-tapping on window this morning, bemoaning empty bowls. You wouldn't believe the daily hassle I get from our multi-species Breakfast Club...
The price you pay for following is I'll try & flog you my books! This, by former ice-dance ace/mentor to Torvill & Dean/designer of their iconic outfits inc Paso Doble & Bolero, is a must-read hoot for skating fans - now on exclusive offer for only £5.99! yorkbookshop.com/biography/84...
Around the Ice in Eighty Years: An irreverent Memoir by an Accidental Championyorkbookshop.com Around the Ice specifications: Paperback 234mm x 156mm 208pp ISBN 9780992851439 Readership, general
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Is this what you wish for, America?
Feels so good to log onto news now! No more sinking dread, OMG what've Tories done today - just excited hope, OMG what've Labour done today?! 😁
Reposted byAvatar Helen Cox
It's Entirely up to Us.
Today's main achievement apart from chatting to you good folk: high fibre/protein, low sugar, gluten-free baking! Cheese scone, date/walnut/pecan cake, stem ginger flapjack, cheesy olive loaf, & buns to freeze for next week. Pleased with self. Hubcap pleased, too. 😋
Bless their little busy, buzzy bottoms (spot the one on left poking out of hosta flower!) - our insect friends ARE still with us, thank God, dashing out in sunny intervals to do their thing & keep the planet/all of us alive. Seen a few butterflies on warmer days, too, & moths a-plenty.
Well said, both. Non-Deform voters could try bombarding their new MPs with complaints about local issues, demands for action etc, try & make the useless twunts give the service they've been elected to provide instead of winding people up with racist ranting & empty promises.
I am also hoping disinfecting light might be thrown on the Reform party. Also being an mp is partly about duty to your constituents.
Happy Caturday! If you need a break from politics, check out the tale of my late lovely cat: helenraerants.wordpress.com/2022/01/28/r... Currently on £4.99 special offer from yorkbookshop.com/humour/166-h... Please pass it on - £1 per sale goes to help needy cats at Henry's Haven Cat Rescue x
Henry Wowler & the Mirror-Catyorkbookshop.com Henry Wowler and the Mirror Cat specifications: Paperback 234mm x 174mm 62pp ISBN  9780992851422 Readership, general
Reposted byAvatar Helen Cox
HERSTORY SUMMER SALE! Celebrate Caturday with my funny illustrated story for all ages inspired by the late great Henry Wowler! Only £4.99 plus P+P exclusively from yorkbookshop.com/humour/166-h... with £1/copy donated to cat rescue charity henryshaven.com #cats #humour #fiction
Henry Wowler & the Mirror-Catyorkbookshop.com Henry Wowler and the Mirror Cat specifications: Paperback 234mm x 174mm 62pp ISBN  9780992851422 Readership, general
Reposted byAvatar Helen Cox
Low blow ref! Harsh from the Telegraph. 🤭🤣
Reposted byAvatar Helen Cox
While the sewage dumper Tory MP Robbie Moore won in Keighley and Ilkley he obviously no longer has a role and is totally isolated in a sea of Labour. Pity we couldn’t get rid of him.
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Good. JC makes important points, & his voice will be extremely valuable. I'm delighted he's back in WM - I'd prefer him as PM, obviously, but just having him restored to mainstream politics is wonderful. Bloody well done, Mr C!
Hell yeah.
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Firework mandates must personify what’s wrong in the world Law says no fireworks. People love this law cuz old people with dogs. 2 sociopaths: doesn’t apply to us and everyone must suffer because we like fireworks