
The pretzel you managed to twist yourself into, to insist that she is both stupid, child and a complete puppet of her parents while simultaneously insisting that it's ok to basically keep such stupid, puppet child indefinitely in custody. Bravo.
Antifascism is not when one is supporting people being detained indefinitely with no accusations and when one supports apartheid and killing civilians under the guide of "defending" against a terrorist organization. So that should not remain on the bio since it's factually incorrect.
Also being against antisemitic pogroms should include such against arab people since they are also semites. It doesn't just apply to jewish people
Some want to avoid accountability by hiding behind accusations of antisemitism towards people calling out Israel literally doing a genocide. One can be critical of behaviour AND NOT be antisemitic. Of course there is antisemitism too but the Venn diagram is not a circle.
Trying to erase the definition of "antisemitism" is incredibly antisemitic. It refers to Jews only.