
It's the EGO of these geriatric fucks that gets me. Biden, RBG, Feinstein, all of em. and the entire establishment knows it but no Dem wants to go on the record and say hey, it's time for the Cryptkeeper to retire
Biden does not need to drop out of the race now. He needed to drop out a year ago. Nobody in the caucus has the courage to speak the very plain truth. They'd rather lose 2024 than to risk the wrath of Blue MAGA and fuck their own career down the road
In a few years GenZers will star attempting to implement "maximum age" laws. Watch GenXers fight them using the same arguments Boomers use.
Don't Millenials already out number GenXers in Office? If not it has to be pretty close and will only get more so as Boomers die out
GenXers have 30 years of being ignored. Time enough to have a li'l bank going, plus access to cheap property via parents.
the property transfer from Boomer to GenX isn't nearly as valuable as people think, and it will be even more concentrated than it already is As a body of candidates or as a voter block GenX will inherit little power in comparison Yet another way GenX let themselves get fucked over by Boomers
Oh yah, the transfer of economy across generations will be minimal, most of it is already being captured by corporations (themselves with GenXers and millennials at the helm). But the _culture_ transfer. GenXers will finally speak up and it'll be a mess.
But how many will run for and hold office compared to Millenials and GenZ, that is the question. It might already be too late for GenX to grab political power
You're probably right? At most companies it does feel like it's either super old people, or Millennials trying to train GenZers who don't know how to use a computer. GenX nowhere to be seen.