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also heycaitlin on letterboxd
hard not to conclude that being a conservative makes you ugly. like it literally uglifies your face.
someone in the former coworkers group chat is organizing to get an increase in event pay, which hasn't changed since 2016. based on inflation, that's effectively a pay cut of 33%.
looking at scans of old grade school books and realizing / remembering they are chock full of the exact kind of inclusion & diversity that would be called woke now, that some people pretend is new and foisted upon them. meanwhile it's just how pretty much every textbook has looked since the 70s
i had a physical and my vitamin D levels are insufficient, very close to being deficient. i wear sunscreen every day, but only on my face & neck. i frequently have my arms (with no spf) exposed when walking and driving, on top of occasionally supplementing with D3. still not enough! wild
i wonder what new eyeliner looks j.d. vance will try out for the campaign
i had 3 private appts and 3 classes today and no one brought it up to me, even though that first half of the day was in the county
Talked to some various fam and coworkers today, and as your resident Normie Whisperer, I can assure you that no one really cares.
the funniest outcome would be for him to survive the attempt and then die of a heart attack from the stress, preferably in the middle of a speech about how invincible he is
monday would be a great time to introduce legislation to ban assault weapons, specifically the armalite rifle
when people ask what your hobbies are and then you have to say stuff everyone likes "oh you know, reading hiking etc.", making sure to leave out the real answers like "skimming archive dot org on a near-daily basis to look for compelling examples of late 20th century pre-y2k commercial art"
i know it sounds about as profound as a stoned dorm room convo to say so, but man i cannot believe i have to hear about / watch literally anyone pretend to care about what some long-dead slaveowners thought. it feels like a damn joke any time someone argues using the "founders".
would it be inappropriate to put gasolina on the mix for my cardio class
i hope this is billable time because i am 25 minutes into this meeting and we are still talking about our cats
Reposted byAvatar heycaitlin
put me in a coma and wake me up on november 6th
my mind cannot be changed by a debate not because i love biden but because i would literally vote for a golden retriever rather than vote for donald trump or even sit it out. i'm voting out of spite, literally anyone over that motherfucker.
imagine being a genuinely undecided voter in 2024. imagine being an undecided voter in late june of an election year ever. imagine being an undecided voter who plans to view a debate in order to decide. "oh caitlin, that's not most people!" sure. but it's not zero people and that is still bonkers.
you must also play horrendous cover songs during cool down. if you don't it's bad luck like renaming your boat
if you run a fitness studio, you must have at least one piece of truly terrible art. i don't make the rules
when i talk to people who aren't terminally online they just think ai is a cool thing to play with & don't seem to care that it gives shitty results. in my last pilates training one lady fed it our test questions & the answers were all for the wrong machine. she was still like "isn't chat gpt neat?"
shout out to the lady who came to my harder class after taking an edible because she thought it was the easier stretching class we used to offer. she was by far the best one in the whole class too, like the doc ellis of pilates
overhearing a conversation that just went from "i'm still doing that parasite cleanse even though it made me sick in the beginning" to "i really don't trust these covid vaccines, they're just so new and have a bunch of other stuff in them, you know?"
how amazing would it be if his psycho wife strangled him to death with a flag after a fight. he's probably got the sniffles or is avoiding another propublica story that's about to break, but dare to dream.
Alayna Treene of CNN notes that Alito was missing from the bench today and yesterday and that the press office hasn't responded to questions about his absence
pray for me, i have agreed to teach the friday morning block of pilates classes next month, the first of which is at 6am
name your baby memo, like the nice contractor i just met
this starts this week and all of my classes are full & waitlisted 😬
pray for me, i have agreed to teach the friday morning block of pilates classes next month, the first of which is at 6am
so weird to see (mostly male) randos whining at pundits about how terrible speed cameras are, how necessary speeding is, it's normal, etc. so insane to assert your right to break some of our most sensible laws. my complaints are going 20 in a 35, drifting out of the lane, not using turn signals...
much like being a hair stylist or nail tech, there's an element of therapy chat with private fitness training, and sometimes it takes all my power to not be like "your spouse clearly sucks, just get a divorce already" in between counting out their reps
yes! always on my mind in the background. i saw an interview with pharrell where he was like "naomi campbell personally told me to always apply product upward" like he was sharing secret lore, blissfully unaware that this is just standard brain flotsam for femmes
i love the cosmo tier braindead beauty advice that i ignore but was instilled in me deeply enough that i still think about it every day. when u apply moisturizer do upward movements so u dont get wrinkles! rinse your hair with cold water to seal the cuticle!
my two favorite things are vigorous exercise and sitting around being lazy as hell
just saw someone say that larry hogan looks like one of the minions 😂