
Hear me out...I'm not advocating for this at all, but it made sense & I felt better after the thought occurred to me. With the media focusing on Biden stepping aside, I was frustrated & wondering why they're saying step aside without thinking it through. Who'd replace him? Ah,ha! Obviously Hillary.
I know she said never again. But if this issue is pushed to fruition she'd be the one I would want to go up against Trump again. I think we all learned our lesson the last time and she would win.
I love Michelle, but Hillary is well qualified for the job. Honestly, I still want Joe, though!
But it wolds be fun to see her go after him again lol
I don’t think dems will vote for her
She won the popular vote last time. And people are really upset about abortion. Theyre disgusted with Republicans. I think it would tip the scales this time.
Nope; it will only split the vote & cause chaos. Why didn't she win before? Bernie Sanders split the vote! Popular vote alone won't win the EC. Have we learned nothing?
the only drawback is that the money from fundraising wouldn't go to her & getting her on the ballot in some states post primary is not going to happen
Gore won the popular vote also. I just don’t think people want Hillary or Kamala. Problem is there is no one else
That's the problem right there. Some Dems didn't support her any better than they are supporting Biden now. The cold hard fact is misogyny is alive and well in both parties. I think less so with Dems but there none the less. Especially with the old guard.
Chaos is what feeds 34-felon & the project2025 crowd. No one replaces Biden. We have Kamala (the constitutional backup as with all VPs). It's time to put on our grownup pants, get a grip, focus on the facts & winning; Epstein docs, democracy, SCOTUS threats, GOP terrorists/insurrectionists.
I'm 💯 with you. I don't want anyone replacing Biden. But the thought of Hillary being the one made me feel a little more calm. She was right about all the dangers of tfg. What needs to happen is a 180° redirect of our conservative media pushing this agenda to get Biden out. I'm voting blue. 🌊🌊🌊
It's not that she wasn't right. It's that factually, she never has had the support Biden has now.
We would have our work cut out for us but if they're going to push him out she would be a viable option in my opinion.
Although I know what you mean, she's never gonna run again. And I don't think she would be a "viable" option. The far left hates her more than they hate Biden: They'll flock to 3rd party candidates & screw us worse than 2016. It's nice to dream, but it's simply a dream.
So then Dems need to stick together and stand behind Joe. None of them thought this through before they opened their mouths to ask him to step aside.
Viable? Not even close. I'll start with facts of where we are & then the historical chances of winning (in the next post).
History shows the lessons of chaos (as if HRC's emails weren't already a prime example).
Because tRUMP was an "unknown" then. Today we know what he is capable of. And he tells us every day what he will do.
The think tank came up with, we cheated her out of one election, lets go for doubles. My response? HELL NO magats going down
In my estimation Magats are going down no matter what. 🌊🌊🌊 We can't and we won't lose.
If the candidate is changed chaos will result. Everyone has a different name they’re touting. Russian bots will ensure they amplify the chaos, as will heritage.
We cannot elect a woman, I’m afraid.