Mr. E, the Silliest Goose

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Mr. E, the Silliest Goose

Kaiju whisperer, Jewish space laser operator, pizza spiritualist, anti-fascist, aspiring cryptid, nap expert, trash goblin, haiku battle master, apostate, Real Human Being™. he/him Wednesdays and Fridays 7pm EST

Banner - Zack Gormen
How much coverage have you seen of the fact the stock market is currently at an all-time high? What percentage of Americans are aware of this fact? Why or why not?
Having a customized No Step On Snek license plate that you paid extra for on your Tesla is a bit like advertising that you sucked off the king and thanked him for it in the name of the rebellion.
Every day I should wake up and immediately throw my hands up in exasperation just to get it out of the way because 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬.
The reichstag event does not have to be a false flag to serve as a reichstag event
Merge (yet another) two films (because I can't keep this inside) Vampire's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Merge two (more) films Let The Right One Inglorious Bastards.
Merge two (more) films Let The Right One Inglorious Bastards.
Merge two films Everything Everywhere All At Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
Trump's Project 2025 is weighing like an anchor around his campaign and he's pulling out all his tricks to try to buck his association with it. Amazingly, it turns out voters care more about a candidate promising "I am planning to ruin your life" than an old guy mumbling a little?
Trump's efforts to run from Project 2025 are blowing up in his face: *CNN reports 140 former Trump officials are involved *New video shows Trump praised its creators in 2022 On the pod, we go deep into the threat Project 2025 poses, with Amanda Becker of The 19th:
Trump’s Sleazy New Project 2025 Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His As new reports tie Trump to Project 2025, a writer who has examined the plan explains what this saga really reveals about the reactionary agenda MAGA wants to inflict on our country.
Merge two films Everything Everywhere All At Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
Merge two films Talladega Nightmare Before Christmas
If we're going to have another primary, this is the only ticket I want.
Pausing here because.. wow. Still a better film than Morbius.
They have no money, but they've ordered like an ass load of food, but all of them are wealthy. They're being watched by a group of Boys. Also a trucker reading a tabloid has identified them as being abducted from said tabloid. It's been less than 8 hours since they were abducted
They have managed to walk back to Jersey I guess where they've found a Denny's. It's still the same day as the answering machine message.
They just quoted Avengers and Snickers. It's the first joke of the film. It's not great.
To remind us about the time, they're sad about Martha Stewart. They all have rich parents, except ER girl who's mom left her. Her parents are merely middle class.
We established some things. She can't climb walls. Curling Guy knew her mom. The cat's name is Cat. The Spider Team is out of jerky. They are half a mile down the road from a gas station, hidden in the woods.
She went home to go get her mom's notes. The notes are about spider people. They're called Las Aranãs. Pineapple folks. They have spider powers, just like S̶p̶i̶d̶e̶r̶-̶M̶a̶n̶ Ceiling Guy.
Madame Ambulance has taken the license plates off the cab, this making her untraceable. She should have just worn black.
The Spider People are being abandoned in the woods so Madame Ambulance can go so something? Oh, and nobody has parents. That's a running theme among spider people apparently.
Crawling too. Curling would be awesome on a curling though. Canadian super hero when?
They refuse to say Spider-Man. The guy crawling across the curling was a spider person.
They have driven the cab into the woods. Where are these woods? Outside the city, of course!
The third one flipped her off at some point. That's their big connection.
Bad Guy who sees the future is confused as to how the Plot People saw him coming. He's mad at his Girl In The Chair because she has access to all the police camera in New York and didn't find 4 people among millions. Step Daughter recognizes Madame Ambulance. Another Plot Person is her neighbor.
She's now actually abducting the kids in order to hold on to the people who actually know she's not guilty of abducting the kids.
Plot People have stolen a cab now and are debating if Bad Guy actually killed the cops (he did). Now we're doing names. Madame Ambulance is being accused of murder and abduction. Nobody saw the spider guy. Probably because he was wearing black.
They got on a different train to escape? But the guy doing the announcement is dead now, and so they've left the train. The Bad Guy is now killing cops to try and get to them instead of just killing the plot people for reasons. He could have easily just killed a few of them. He's shit at this.
She got all the plot people off the train and now the bad guy is staring at them from the subway car. Except now he's wearing a Spiderman suit but Black And Red so you know he's the bad guy, and crawling across the curling. Nobody seems to see it besides the Plot People.
The Spider Hero team is a bunch of fare dodgers. Hell yeah. Fuck municipal taxes.
Bad Guy attacks the Girl Who Didn't Go Into The ER in a vision. Lots of people getting beat up. Madame Ambulance is having LSD flashbscks. She's the weirdo on the NYC subway everyone is scared of.
Madame Ambulance has seen a Bad Thing happen in her subway car. Shit about to go down in Spider Town.