
Friend of a friend (I have not met them) was descending on his road bike at speed and hit a squirrel; broke his neck and died at the scene. Was revived, but is paralyzed and non responsive on life support, wife is going to pull the plug. They have two kids…. Fucked up. Ride safe out there, folks
Oh my god. That is awful. I am so sad for their family.
Me too. : ( It’s so crazy, and could happen to anyone.. got me thinking about my kids on my ride today, and this hobby I love.
I’m still thinking about this. I live on the edge. I take risks most would consider too far. I ride hard and fast but manage the risk factors with a knife edge. Always have and probably always will. It’s just my nature to ride like this. So focused so alert so aware. 1/2
Im starting to adjust that risk factor. Bit by bit I’m adjusting my riding towards that sweet spot of 70% intensity. There’s still some 95s in there but a lot less. I’ve had a bad crash 2 years ago. Big set back. Not sure who I was with out cycling breakdown. I don’t want to go back there.
I think that’s what’s hard. even being more cautious as I’ve gotten older at a certain point it’s just…. A lot of time on the road. I can’t give it up though! I got hit by a car years ago and it took a while to get healed and able to ride in traffic again, and it was tough not being on the bike
I left the road for a while too. Same thing with car/bike collisions. Lost a nice bike that way. Pair that with some close calls while touring and I’ve become so radicalized that I can come off as preachy. It also leads to overbearing anti car vibes. I can live with being unliked.
Stay healthy and well and fingers crossed we can continue to enjoy this sport without paying such a serious price
Thank you and same to you. What do we say? May the wind be to your back and the sun on your face! On a side note. A bit of “paying rent” keeps me humble when out on the trail.