stunt double

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stunt double

Yee haw
What an insane stage today. The breakaway groups, the sketchy gravel sections, Tadejs relentless attacking, Matteo pulling Jonas back. Guessing there will be another gravel stage next year.
Damn the restaurant industry really does exploit its labor terribly, look at how much Bobby flay was making back in his prime:
Went to the pool with the kids for two hours, bopped around, nothing crazy, come home and everyone is absolutely ravenous. Doesn’t matter if you go swimming for 30 min or 4 hours you WILL be starving by the end
Playing “where’s Tadej” with the toddler watching the stage this morning-“he’s hiding in the bikeys” She also loves the polka dot jersey 👍
I used the guest bathroom for the first time to shower.. and it has that “hotel shower” feel…. Awesome. No, I will not elaborate.
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
Like if you have achieved hot dog nirvana. Repost if you are still on the noble hot dog eightfold path
It kind of rules that the birth of our nation is celebrated with grilled tube meats and beer. No work; a day for the people. In England they probably eat Eel Pies while reciting prayers for the king in like mid February or something completely idiotic, I don’t really want to know.
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
Grill: cleaned Baby: napping Toddler: eating lunch, nap next Backyard: acceptable Prep for post nap cookout is complete. Prepare for hotdogs and ice cold beer.
The combo of SoCal mountain biking + tacos and mexican beer post ride remains undefeated yet again...
Hear me out… what if Joe Biden captured the conservative justices and put them all into a SAW type situation- seems like that would be legal AND funny as hell
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
Sending a bunch of based realtors and off-duty cops into the Capitol building to murder the speaker of the house, in my official capacity of President of the United States.
The Oakley “over the tops” were so powerful when they were released only certain people were allowed to buy them. Sex guys, the lead singer of Tool… and DJs in rap/rock groups from the early 2000s mainly
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
Friend of a friend (I have not met them) was descending on his road bike at speed and hit a squirrel; broke his neck and died at the scene. Was revived, but is paralyzed and non responsive on life support, wife is going to pull the plug. They have two kids…. Fucked up. Ride safe out there, folks
Imagine if your last name was Porter…Descended from a long line of shleppers.
I am training a chat gpt on YTMND and FYAD posts only and when it’s ready it’s going to own all of you
I get confused and make shit up all the time without realizing it. Give me a phd
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
What do I do for fun? Well I take my dog to the park where I let him off leash despite that being against the rules and call out "He's friendly!" From 250 yards away while the dog noses around in someone's picnic food
Friday night time for Mtbs and IPAs
Saw a very disturbing looking middle aged woman who looks like she parties too much, driving a busted ass convertible coupe with… a pet snake in her hand, casually woven in her fingers like a cig or something. Utterly bizarre
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
Just my guess: the Chevron decision will go exactly how conservatives want it, but be buried by the same-day Trump immunity decision. The justices aren't stupid. They know how news cycles work and they've done this before. You'll hear about Chevron in a John Oliver segment in a few months.
Lance Armstrong bad. That is my hot take
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
Get yourself together, man. Move to a mid-sized city. Buy a house. Take a job as a mid-level bureaucrat. Get married and have kids. Eat hummus with them. Take a hobby too seriously. Garden. Quit smoking. Listen to Animal Collective. Start some type of niche gaming group.
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
These two look like they came straight out of the black lodge
Me and my wife saw you from across the bar and she was wondering if you'd like to play a game...
Reposted byAvatar stunt double
bro i would watch my step if i were you. you're about to turn this contretemps into an imbroglio
If you see this, quote post with a beach photo from your gallery
If you see this, quote post with a beach photo from your gallery.
Whole family has gone lobster mode 🦞 ( sunburned at the beach..)