
Once again, in case you’re wondering why Gen Xers are “like this,” watch any Disney movie between Walt’s death & The Little Mermaid, the shit we were raised on. Tried to rewatch The Rescuers last night and it is utterly Bananapants that a single soul thought this was acceptable kids’ fare
Can't remember if they've successfully suppressed The Black Cauldron or if they'll admit it exists.
I think it’s back on Disney+! Another absolute batshit experience, which I saw when I was, what, 7?
Never saw the Rescuers but I was definitely the Hammer Horror watching target audience for the both the Black Cauldron and The Black Hole.
They admit the Black Cauldron exists. Characters show up in games, but you will rarely find merch.
Black Cauldron teacups ride at Disneyland
I think we might have a VHS of that somewhere 😂 I’m curious about the version that Tim Burton supposedly worked on in his younger days as an animator for Disney… his concept art was deemed too creepy apparently 🫠