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Tokyo based Vlog/Video podcaster & bilingual news geek 東京在住外国人ブロガーです♪ Livestream 10:30pm JST on YouTube
For those interested, I'll start following Tokyo Tonight with a new regular livestream of DJing whatever I want, and whatever requests I get. Join for the crowd, stay for the BGM Tokyo Afterparty: Live DJing - Hip Hop vs Drum and Bass youtube.com/live/tbX4DI7...
Tokyo Afterparty: Live DJing - Hip Hop vs Drum and Bassyoutube.com This is a new series of live DJ sets after my livesteam of Tokyo Tonight. Join me having fun experimenting with the DJay Pro app mixing music I like, trying ...
Reposted byAvatar Hikosaemon
Not feeling great again today and haven’t been enjoying things that usually bring me joy like taking photos of *everything* but this pic basically jumped in my face on the way home tonight, and I am finally figuring out how to capture the moon with something else in the photo too, so we have that.
Jack Dorsey Bot, all I want for Xmas is GIFs an API and my Two Front Teeth. Can you please pass this along to human Jack and the board, and if you're one actually running Bluesky, I just want to say I for one welcome your takeover and look forward to being of service to you as our new overlords.
So basically an antisemite is suing media monitor for showing advertisers that their ads were being posted next to actual Nazi content on their platform? And they are claiming that hitting F5-refresh constituted "data manipulation" to make them look bad...??? HOW ABOUT NOT HAVING ADS FOR NAZIS ELON?
@Reuters: Social media company X sued media watchdog group Media Matters, alleging the organization defamed the platform after it published a report that said ads for major brands had appeared next to posts touting Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party https://t.co/NSt7K9ZkbM
I am missing all the OpenAI drama threads here that Twitter has tbh. Been a mindblowing live drama to follow there. At the same time though glad to NOT have to follow Twitter drama...
Soooo, I like my timeline here - which is because of all you beautiful people. So thank you. BUT... I need to be able to share links from Feedly and other apps... and I REALLY want GIF integration. Same asks as I had of Threads. Given that Jack Dorsey offered these at Twitter... please..?
I suggest everybody remove the "F5" key from your keyboard immediately!
NEW: Texas AG Ken Paxton says he's opening an investigation into Media Matters
Hey nice to see so many followers here in the Good Place. Had a crazy work day today so just checking in at the end of the day. Got a good reminder on Twitter that other than not commenting on anything to do with the Middle East, especially don't make sarcastic jokes about proxy militias...
On a similar tone, I also enjoy watcing Timothy Langley Esq's videos on YouTube. This is basically a plug for his business, but like all his vids, it's very well informed and insightful. He's one of the best informed commentators on Jp politics out there www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn_6...
Langley Esquire: Current State of Japan's Automotive Industrywww.youtube.com To learn more about our corporate workshops designed to help you navigate the dynamic landscape of the evolving relationship between business and policy in J...
Musk is a raging racist asshole who I dislike very much, but I do admire the hard work of his employees at SpaceX. The second Starship launch was incredible, even as a failure. The first test was a complete shitshow but I was astounded this went as well as it did www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF2C...
Starship & Superheavy Become The Biggest Rocket In Space.... Before Explodingwww.youtube.com SpaceX finally got to fly their second integrated flight test of the fully reusable Starship & Superheavy system, the launch was spectacular, excitement had ...
This great video by Legal Eagle explained it wonderfully. Some lawyers used ChatGPT to do legal research and filed a court brief with the imaginary cases it gave them - last I heard the lawyers faced disbarment. The problem here was not AI, it was just the excuse www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqSY...
How to Use ChatGPT to Ruin Your Legal Careerwww.youtube.com Maybe A.I. isn't ready for primetime. 📌 Check out https://legaleagle.link/80000 for free career advice that will change the world from 80,000 Hours. ⚖️ Nee...
Caught up a few podcasts today talking about the "Control-Altman-Delete" drama. I have absolutely no idea what is going on there, other than it is all a complete shitshow and I need to buy more popcorn...
I think this is a bit of a mislabel. AI doesn't make the decisions. People do - insurance companies could automate these decisions with an Excel macro of even a coin toss if they wanted. The problem isn't "AI" here, it's an insurance company denying care - and "oh it was AI" is no legal defense
When we warn the real threat of AI is how it’s used against people in the present, not the fantasies that some day computers might think for themselves, this is exactly the kind of thing we’re talking about: health insurers using AI to deny care. arstechnica.com/health/2023/...
Love this - other than being very well put together, it shows a great contrast of a town running out of people (and honestly the scarecrow bit is kind of sad/moving) and then a town that is doing WHAT EVERY TOWN IN JAPAN SHOULD BE DOING - giving away vacant homes for free to young families. Watch!
So when people share links here, everyone is just copying and pasting in manually right?
Here's something I should do more often - I'm going through my timeline for topics for Tokyo Tonight this evening. Any requests? Reply here and if I like your suggestion I'll retweet so it is queued up in my topics tonight!
40 second hold - this will be cool…
I've said this before but I will repeat it here. Gaijin Mommy is a goddamn international treasure and must be protected at all costs!
Not for the easily butthurt. But then again what is?
Reposted byAvatar Hikosaemon
My first post is a shameless play for the Just Asia Poscast! Go have a listen. Great guests and interviews! podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/j...
I don't see Feedly support for Bluesky - like threads. Does Bluesky not support API integration? I'd really like to be able to share/comment on articles from there on this site the same way as I do on Twitter... Anyone know a workaround?