
Alright folks. Show me your fighter. Today, mine's Cinder. Coming in at a lean mean 13 pounds, she's the length of a Cadillac and fuzzy like a slipper. Beware: KNIFE FINGERS.
Puca: 8 pounds but made of knives. I own rose gauntlets for when I have to do anything she doesn't like, which is a lot of things. She rips through regular leather work gloves. Anybody who is not me who bothers her will lose a lot of skin.
Your fighter is actually a lot scarier than mine, Kari.
I love her so much and she is such a handful. Not completely welcome at the vet level handful.
We have to give Coal an elephant dose of gabapentin to bring him to the vet. He's got the bad cat label on his file. I kinda get it.
We have not tried that but it is an excellent idea.