
A reminder for no reason whatsoever that you are within your rights to demand pain mitigation for office procedures and a doctor that thinks Tylenol will cover it when you know it won't is not a good doctor.
People with vaginas are often, systematically even, given invasive, painful procedures without pain mitigation /and that's not right/.
It becomes extra fun when things like novacaine and lidocaine don't really work on you.
I was lucky in the past to have a GP who took my anxiety about such things seriously, from giving me a tiny dose of Xanax for one procedure (scan) to referring me to have others under GA. Being single/living alone helped as it got me overnight stays as well as no one to look after me at home
I feel like it’s so deliberate, they they feel we should be in pain. That we somehow *deserve* it.
I was overjoyed when I discovered I could be sedated for a pap. 10/10 highly recommend. It's apparently an option for IUD and other procedures