Isobel Carr

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Isobel Carr

Best-selling historical romance author & Mastiff owner. she/her Some form of IsobelCarr on pretty much every app (or Isobel_and_Mycroft). My only good mayor was Jerry Brown.
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I love it when everyone's been up so long you start getting this kind of punch-drunk reporting.
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Change "Rishi Sunak" to "Mayor Quimby" and this headline is a sight-gag from The Simpsons
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One big change America needs is it needs to be illegal to lie on the news. Every teevee network should have to have a nightly news program. Everything else is opinionated bullshit that one may enjoy but we could all recognize isn't the 'news' I mean damn
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Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
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And I’ll add for the millionth time that one of the reasons the times said it didn’t need a public editor anymore was because it was now responsive to readers on social media — and then immediately began categorically dismissing any criticism on social media
For about the millionth time, I’ll just say — having a public editor who could ask people how this happened and lay it out for readers would actually make the paper look better than fucking up this badly and then walking away from it without saying a word.
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It's pretty interesting what the media decides is front page news and what they don't decide is front page news! Trump being a child sex abuser with close connections to Jeffrey Epstein somehow doesn't merit the same coverage as "unnamed Dem insider has concerns about Biden's age"
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
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it is really… something… that tech bros have completely given up on slow and steady market growth that built pretty much every other profitable company ever in favor of fleecing VCs and hedge fund investors and running away from burning industries like the hamburglar
Can we just surrender to annexation now?
fellow canadians: two more hours until the yanks are sufficiently soused and the strike begins
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This about India, not US, but a similar pattern of mainstream news outlets missing a major story about the country’s leader, partly due to state efforts at controlling the narrative and partly due to journalists unable to see their own “information bubbles.” Gift link
India’s Cable News Predicted a Big Modi Win. How Did They Get It So Wrong? Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s slim election victory has forced India to reflect on how fawning coverage may have obscured a wave of opposition.
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If this pissed you off. If you believe voting is still/always important. If you think everyone should be able to exercise their right to vote w/o barriers. You can do something to help w/o even putting on pants. Support the auction.
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
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Goddamn it it’s a great 5 minutes for other countries doing things that we ought to but can’t.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
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Would a statement from the “White House physician” that Biden is perhaps the healthiest president in history, and that he’s built like a linebacker do the trick? And would you not then elect that physician to Congress? No? I don’t get it.
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Banning medical debt from credit reports. Cracking down on junk fees. Banning non-competes. Capping credit card fees. Negotiating drug prices. Expanding OT pay. These Biden policies don't make headlines, but this is what it looks like when government works for the people.
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Four months ago, the Economist thought the country was being run pretty well.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Literally, the Republican mantra (and yes, he's a Republican).
Why I vote, but you shouldn’t
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Good thing they didn’t build the original wording into the illustration.
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Affirming my decision to cancel my subscription in the process
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
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A FULL ms. or screenplay critique from Suz Brockmann is only at $191? I think this went for a thousand dollars last time? MASSIVE BARGAIN HERE.
Full Manuscript Auction item 'Full Manuscript Critique' hosted online at 32auctions.
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in 1986—peak AIDS crisis; only 6 months after reagan admitted AIDS was real—the NYT ran a william f buckley op-ed calling for all HIV+ people to be tattooed on the arm & the ass for the greater good anyone giving the NYT the benefit of the doubt about trans coverage: this is who they’ve always been
Worth noting that the 'crisis' of kids socially transitioning at school without notifying their parents was almost entirely seeded by a NYT article. Even in conservative states, this was nowhere on the legislative agenda a year ago and now it's everywhere.
I have a Penzey's gift certificate! W00T!
Have you checked your spice cabinet lately? Are you in need of a restock? Penzey's Spices has some great deals and promos right now. This isn't sponsored content. I just really like Penzey's and just placed an order.
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TIRED: I'm an American WIRED: I'm a Maxxinista
They just need to vote it into reality.
A strong majority of Americans think Trump should drop out of the 2024 presidential race because of his second indictment involving his alleged "willful" possession of classified documents, according to a poll by the Marist institute of Public Opinion.
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look, it’s what the people want
A strong majority of Americans think Trump should drop out of the 2024 presidential race because of his second indictment involving his alleged "willful" possession of classified documents, according to a poll by the Marist institute of Public Opinion.
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Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
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Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
The Vichy NYT: But what if we just dabbled in kings?
NO KINGS. That's the bare minimum these days. NO KINGS. NO KINGS. NO KINGS.
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The single greatest threat to sharks, by far, so much that there’s not really a number 2 threat, is unsustainable overfishing. The single most effective thing folks can do to help is don’t buy unsustainable seafood. Notice I didn’t say give up all seafood. Sustainable seafood is great.
What is something a common ordinary person can do to help shark conservation? Any things to avoid buying, or any places to donate to that are good places? I'm landlocked so actually being on the coast doesn't help. :(
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“Trump should drop out not because it would be good for Republicans, or good for Democrats, but because it would be good for America. Everyone who isn’t a cultish devotee of Trump knows it. And every one of them should have the courage to say it.”
still the only correct take