
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
the combination of Ohio, Chevron, and Jarkesy is to tell the extraordinarily rich “there’s no one who can hold you accountable for anything if you can afford a lawsuit”
gets the mayo all messy, to put it in bluesky terms
Some of them think those luxury doomsday shelters they're building throughout the world will keep them safe from...mayo
I know how to operate a front end loader.
I know how to get and safely transport a lot of dry ice. We should team up.
I should specify that the.dry ice is meant for killing fires by deprivng them of oxygen. I don't know how to do anything more tactical with it than that.
I operated a front end loader (briefly) in the military as well as a bulldozer, tractor trailer, a variety of dump trucks and I can weld! I'm a much better driver but by god, I can brush up on all my skills. (Ask me why I don't have a job)