Rebecca Brückmann

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Rebecca Brückmann

| Historian | 📖 "Massive Resistance and Southern Womanhood" | Associate Prof | Heart in New Orleans |
OK, so, I’m super late to the “Inside Out 2” party, but “anxiety” and especially “embarrassment” are just perfect 🤣.
Oh great, it’s gonna be Vance who traveled to the criminal trial in NYC to kiss the ring, innit. 🙄
"We have to remember that democracy requires us, as citizens, to engage in a continual process of renewal. ... And we have to remember that our commitments to inclusion, diversity and difference have enriched us."
Here's what the French anti-fascist election coalition can teach us • Minnesota In the states, we should learn the lessons of the French election as we confront the  equally threatening MAGA movement.
Lamine Yamal, though. To me, that’s his trophy. Bring it to school with you, dude. 🎉
I’m preparing to go to Iceland with a some dear friends in a couple of weeks, and I may be overdoing it for a trip that simply involves a rental car and a holiday let. But with my outdoors skills, that’s as close to camping near the North Pole as I’ll ever come 😅.
My falafel and halloumi obsession while in Berlin: activated. #Nom
I've said this before (and it's hardly a revelation, because there are many studies about fat hatred), but it just continues to blow my mind: it is unbelievable how much more courteous and generally more decent strange people are to me since I've lost a bit of weight. It is infuriating, really. 🙄
People: *existing in public* German folks:
I have nothing useful to say on the Biden dilemma, because I really don’t know. So, from a purely observational and empathetic point of view: it is really hard to watch, the derision and mockery of an older person. (And I know he’ll be fine. I am talking about this particular message sent.)
“The team was announced as a “significant, sustained commitment to ensure race coverage is a permanent part of our journalism” in a memo to staff in the wake of the anti-racism protests sparked by the 2020 murder of George Floyd.” Surprise.
That NYT editorial suggests that 45 is an aberration, undermining current GOP values. Way to miss the point again, NYT, and quite a feat how they continue to ignore decades of evidence to the contrary, and legitimize right-wing talking points instead, e.g., “frustration” with “immigration.” Please.
Greetings from the Hessian Rhineland's boondocks, aka the region I grew up in 🙂.
Randos: Who are you rooting for in the EU soccer championship? Me: The teams with the most nonwhite players, if only to enrage European white supremacists. #LikeObviously #IllSmileThroughTheAwkwardSilenceThenBabe
I remember back when the ENTIRE mainstream media assiduously refused to address Trump’s mental and cognitive state in 2016, because they were “reporters, not clinicians.” Glad everyone’s used the past 8 years to complete their medical training.
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
Ah, there it is: a 10-minute delay is now a 60-minute delay (because there is a surprise construction site on our route and the train has to be diverted - don't you hate it, too, when train track construction just spontaneously manifests?!), and the last 7 stops are canceled. Hello, Deutsche Bahn 🙃.
Forgot I'm back in Europe and that a) I didn't need to bring that sweater because AC on a train does not mean "we will make you freeze" like in the US, b) "chilled" beverages are only slightly below room temperature, and c) the German stare is back. Stop looking at me, randos. Mind your business. 😅
July 2024, and a long train ride ahead tomorrow - perfect time to reread one of my favorites.
So lovely meeting you 🤗!
Alright bluesky, I have my first followed each other on this website and then connected in real life to report with
Harassing patients at abortion clinics will be illegal in Germany. Good. Two things: a) Both the CDU and the AfD voted against this. b) Keep in mind that abortion is still illegal in Germany and part of the penal code. It’s not subject to prosecution under specific rules.
Bundestag verbietet Gehsteigbelästigung von Schwangere und medizinisches Personal sind künftig besser vor Belästigungen von Abtreibungsgegnern vor Schwangerschafts-Beratungsstellen und Arztpraxen geschützt.
The good news: progressive coalition building works. (That’s also one thing that I tell my students all the time: there are very successful strategies against white supremacy. They have worked historically, and still do. They need firm commitment and resources, though.) Well done after all, France.