
I'm copying 's Twitter post on this subject, but I made one for Bluesky because it's so important; these simple free actions are vital to an artist's success on this and any platform.
Well this is doing numbers! Seriously though, we aren't "content creators" we're living breathing artists that thrive on knowing our work has touched you, has made you laugh or cry, so tell us. It's not cringe, it's human, and if this social network thing is ever gonna work we need that connection.
Honestly, this is getting so much traffic, it'd be remiss if I didn't plug myself. I'm Devin/Hitoroki, I'm a small trans character designer and illustrator. I hope you'll consider following me! Oh and, here are some of my favorite recent pieces:
I like your Storm and Laura/Jubilee pieces!
Good artists needs exposures. In this platform where recommendation system is still primitive, it needs human to really engage on artworks to expose to the mass. And consistent uploads to keep you resurface from vast seas of other posts.
I would say, the repost (or reskeet?) is even the most important here on Bluesky. Because here we don't have a algorithm spoon feeding the masses. Oh and as the artist, USE the # tags ...most art related feeds rely on keywords to find your posts/skeets to show it to their audience.
I always forget to # tag my work, it is quite literally my kryptonite.
It took me a while to implement it into my posting habits.
Hello! I find what you say very interesting, that's why I decided to make the Spanish version, I hope you don't mind, but I think it's something important and I want to support all these great artists here at Bluesky
¡No me importa! Solo espero que puedas manejar todas las notificaciones si se vuelve viral.
😅😅😅 I had not thought of it, tbh I just wanted to contribute my “grain of sand”, haha, I don't think it'll happen, but…I hope it gives you some visibility at least!
While I fully support your point I do wanna say that the differences in numbers between comments, reposts and likes is kinda painful to see xD Sadly way more accurate than it should be. I'll be sure to repost this post every now and then in hopes that more people repost stuff.
It's true, but it's hard to undo multiple years of Twitter and Instagram training people to just tap like and keep on scrolling. It's also not lost on me that there's a huge discrepancy between my post about interacting with art posts and my actual art posts either. All we can do is try to be better
yep. I try my best with comments and repost as much art as I can but that also brings the problem of drowning out my own stuff. And sometimes I just don't have the spoons to comment. Just trying the best you can in the moment is good enough.
I'm grateful for every kind of support. I don't want to use Twitter anymore and hope this will be the place for me... But like every small artist, I depend on people sharing my content to make that happen. Support your artists, people! They appreciate it more than you'll ever know. 🥺💙
Thank you for this! This is very helpful 💜✨
Super helpful tips, thanks for sharing 😊
Thx so much for this idk exactly who’s profile I saw it on I hope you don’t mind my QS I used the image in the quote since I added a bit of a “why it’s such a big deal to small artists” and know the average attention span won’t look down to what’s being quoted
This! I deleted my Twitter recently, and am trying to be more active here, but am struggling to get any sort of reach 😩
I am a real person, look att this words
Truth! Let's spread the word on other artists. My audience isn't big on here but I'm happy to spread the word about other artists on my page.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
I feel like this ain't the case for mass advertiser platforms like xwitter. There forced framing investment means capitalising on the attention ecnomony and maximising that at the expense of everything else. These user-focused platforms are a sigh of releif though, thanks, time to flourish 🌸🛋🌸
Yesss these are all so important, especially here!! Just one reshare could change an artists life forever if their post gets put in front of the right eyes🥹
My philosophy on social media represented in an image! ❤️
Thank you! It IS important!